Sunday, March 25, 2012

Music - A gift from God

Hey guys,

If you're listening then I have something BIG to tell you. Ready for it? Here it is: Music is amazing!! =P My sister is flipping through songs on my IPod right now and I don't know, for some reason music can just sooth ya and calm ya. It can excite you too or sadden you. Honestly, if you really think about it, music can really shape a lot of your emotions.

But the important thing here isn't that music is so powerful and how it plays in our emotions, but that music is a gift from God and that if used for His glory it can move mountains and aid in healing the most wounded and broken soulIt can bridge any gap and bring so many diverse people together. Does that make sense? I mean, even if somebody is singing in a different language that you can't understand, when you're worshipping God it doesn't matter. You can still fall into the heart of worship, you can still glorify God and through it you can still be part of praising our Creator.

When my family was down in Mexico for four years... we got to see a lot of diverse people. This may sound strange, but there was even clans of German and Korean groups there. Yeah. Pretty interesting huh? Not to mention the growing population of Americans.

The thing is, when we first arrived we didn't know any Spanish save some basic words like: "Taco" and "Bano" (bathroom). LOL. So when we attended church service, yes sometimes people translated, but a lot of times we were left to sit there and listen completely confused. But thats the thing! Christ, even though we couldn't understand them, brought us together as one family and one people. We were still fed by God's Word. We were still lifted up and drawn closer to Him... and the worship (this is where music plays in). We were still praising God with one voice and one heart united for Jesus.

Have you ever attended a service in a language you did not understand? Have you ever worshipped in a congregation with people who spoke a different dialect? Somehow the music bridges the gap between the languages. It doesn't matter any more if you don't understand every word or even that you can't sing it. As long as it's for the glory of God, you can still lift your hands in praise and bask in the presence of God. Music. It can make you cry, laugh, jump and dance.

It is a gift from God that goes beyond words; and when your heart can't express its deepest feelings and burdens and thoughts through words... it can through music. :) What would our world be without music?!

So next time a melody drifts to your ears, think of God and thank Him for that simple yet amazing gift from Him. Then lift your own voice and praise Him and play your instruments, because He gifted you with that as well to glorify Him.

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