Thursday, March 29, 2012

Living it Out

Do our actions match what we proclaim? We sometimes say one thing but end up doing another? Maybe all the time?

Being a Christian is not an easy task. Many times the grass does seem more greener on the other side. Thats when we look to Jesus. We didn't choose this path with Christ for benefits here on earth. We didn't make that commitment to make life easier and more pleasurable here in this world. We did it for a higher reason. We did it for the future of our souls and for the joy and peace that we can expect there in our home in Heaven

So then why can't we skip this life on earth and just jump to Heaven? Chances are you already know this answer. Everybody's heard it and every body talks about it. But if we really understood the reason of our existence on this earth - to the share the Gospel - then why aren't we stepping up and doing it?

Yes, we may do something here or there. Yes we may say "God loves you" once, twice or even a dozen times a week, but there's more we can do then just saying it. We can act it. If we really believed God loved the world, then would we even hesitate to love our enemy? If we really believed God had the power to perform miracles, then wouldn't we be laying hands on the sick? If we really believed that God was coming back soon and that there was no time to lose, then wouldn't we be sharing the Gospel even as I am writing?

I'm not saying I'm perfect. This is something I have to tell myself everyday. I fail and I doubt and I laze around the house doing nothing all too often. But God is calling us, this generation, us youth, to rise up and lift our voices. He is calling us to be laborers in His fields and plant the seeds and water the soil.

Sitting in the church pews being fed by God's powerful Word and worshiping Him with other Christians is all good and well. I'm not saying you can't be fed and uplifted too, but during those other six days of the week it is important to bring the Gospel to the world. We are uplifted so that we might uplift others. We are fed and strengthened so that, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we might help strengthen and encourage others.

You can do it at your school, job or even on the streets of your city. You don't have to be talented or have lots of money. But you do have to have a willing heart and yielding spirit. And remember, sometimes actions do mean more than words. So remain strong in your faith, always drawing closer to God and letting His light shine in you, because if we took the time to remember why we are here on this earth... then we would realize it is for such a purpose as to be those laborers in the Harvest.

"...The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."
Luke 10:2 (KJV)

Will you be a laborer for Jesus?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When Everthing Falls Apart...

Have you ever heard of the song: "When Everything Falls Apart" by Tenth Avenue North? If you haven't heard it, go take a break and listen to it. It is a pretty simple song but is really encouraging as it is a reminder of how God is there in the midst of every storm.

A while back, some years ago, a friend of mine showed me the song when I was having a real hard time. The song spoke to my heart and ever since then has been a favorite. I guess you might say, thru those words and thru that simple melody, God really reached me. Just being reminded that everything was gonna be OK and that He would be there comforted me.

See, you might say I've had a pretty dramatic life. LOL. And I'm not complaining but some days can get pretty tough. I used to worry and fret over everything. Even the simplest of things, but I don't anymore because I know that with God I can be at peace, knowing that everything is in His hands. He WILL carry me and in Him I can withstand anything because it is through Him that my weakness is made strong. Instead of fretting over how everything will work out, I now rest in my Father's arms in peace as I watch Him move mountains and wrought miracles in my life. What do I have to fear when I rest in the shadow of the Almighty?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Music - A gift from God

Hey guys,

If you're listening then I have something BIG to tell you. Ready for it? Here it is: Music is amazing!! =P My sister is flipping through songs on my IPod right now and I don't know, for some reason music can just sooth ya and calm ya. It can excite you too or sadden you. Honestly, if you really think about it, music can really shape a lot of your emotions.

But the important thing here isn't that music is so powerful and how it plays in our emotions, but that music is a gift from God and that if used for His glory it can move mountains and aid in healing the most wounded and broken soulIt can bridge any gap and bring so many diverse people together. Does that make sense? I mean, even if somebody is singing in a different language that you can't understand, when you're worshipping God it doesn't matter. You can still fall into the heart of worship, you can still glorify God and through it you can still be part of praising our Creator.

When my family was down in Mexico for four years... we got to see a lot of diverse people. This may sound strange, but there was even clans of German and Korean groups there. Yeah. Pretty interesting huh? Not to mention the growing population of Americans.

The thing is, when we first arrived we didn't know any Spanish save some basic words like: "Taco" and "Bano" (bathroom). LOL. So when we attended church service, yes sometimes people translated, but a lot of times we were left to sit there and listen completely confused. But thats the thing! Christ, even though we couldn't understand them, brought us together as one family and one people. We were still fed by God's Word. We were still lifted up and drawn closer to Him... and the worship (this is where music plays in). We were still praising God with one voice and one heart united for Jesus.

Have you ever attended a service in a language you did not understand? Have you ever worshipped in a congregation with people who spoke a different dialect? Somehow the music bridges the gap between the languages. It doesn't matter any more if you don't understand every word or even that you can't sing it. As long as it's for the glory of God, you can still lift your hands in praise and bask in the presence of God. Music. It can make you cry, laugh, jump and dance.

It is a gift from God that goes beyond words; and when your heart can't express its deepest feelings and burdens and thoughts through words... it can through music. :) What would our world be without music?!

So next time a melody drifts to your ears, think of God and thank Him for that simple yet amazing gift from Him. Then lift your own voice and praise Him and play your instruments, because He gifted you with that as well to glorify Him.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Love, love love love *sigh* I'm in Love!

I'm in love with someone... lifeguard, doctor and a great speaker (not to mention the richest ever and sooo many other things. I could never write them all down.) He wrote this one book that is so famous (in fact thats how I got to know him) and I found out that he's always loved me and even sacrificed his life for me years before I even knew him!
He promised he'd never leave me and that he would always be there to talk when I needed to. He's the best listener in the world! He gives the best advice. It's funny cause I still haven't figured out how he can tell the future, but because of it he can tell me what roads in life I should take and which ones are too dangerous; and when the roads are rocky and steep, he's always there to carry me. He wants the best for me and promised he would give me a spring of unending love, joy and peace!
Am I lucky or what? But there's more... He told me He's in love with you too.

Monday, March 5, 2012

He took our place

So this is something I wrote some years ago. Maybe three. I don't remember. It's definitely not perfect as poems are not something I'm gifted at, but every once in a while an idea for one will come  to my mind and it will press on my heart so much that I'll just have to write about it. Anyways, so here's one. You're welcome to critique and give me some pointers. I don't mind, in fact I'd appreciate it. Or if you just want to comment, well I'm certainly not forbidding you. lol. :) I'd appreciate that too.

He was wounded, stricken, beaten
He was clothed with disgrace
Let His glory fade to dust
When He came to take our place

He had come from His throne
As a mighty King that day
To a people with no heart
When He came to take our place

Like a servant did He serve
To the ones He had made
Like a lamb sacrificed
When He came to take our place

Though the King of the earth
With all power, glory, grace
He had pity on our souls
When He came to take our place

To die in our place for the death we deserved
To hang on our wooden cross
To carry our sin and shoulder our wrong
To take the place of us all

Our King took the place of us all...

*Copyrighted by Simplicity

Sunday, March 4, 2012

For He sees us...

"JUDGE me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity..." Integrity. How many of us can claim we have it? How many of us can claim we have it continually? How many of us can bravely and sincerely say, "Judge me, oh Lord"? The Scripture goes on to say, "Examine me, prove me, try my reins and heart." If the Lord were to search your heart right now, what would He find? Do you wince as you wonder? Do you hesitate to imagine what He would think? Or could you come bravely before Him and let Him search your heart, knowing you have walked justly in His ways? The truth is, He IS searching your heart, mind and soul even now.

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth..."
II Chronicles 16:9a KJV

"I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
Jeremiah 17:10 KJV

It's not to say we won't be making mistakes - after all we are just human - but that we will continually seek the Lord and live after Him with a full heart and complete integrity and truth. That is how we ought to live. No we are not perfect, and yes we will stumble at times, but every day we should be growing more and more to be like Jesus; to live like Jesus; to speak and walk in God's ways like Jesus.

"JUDGE me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide.
"Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.
"For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth."
Psalms 26:1-3 KJV

"I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
Jeremiah 17:10 KJV

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why we worship

(Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for not posting or being on for so long. In short my life has been busy. :) So the other day I found this stuffed in a bunch of worship songs in my music binder. I revised it a tad but it's pretty much exactly the same. So... here it is.)


"The biggest thing for us as worshippers is to reflect the glory of the Lord in our lives. But instead of recieving that glory unto ourselves we need to deflect it towards God, the only One who is worthy of all glory. This is the natural response of true worship.

"Satan saw the glory of the Lord upon himself, when he was still an angel of God, but rather than deflecting it toward God as he ought, Satan instead accepted the glory unto himself and began worshipping that glory in him; making himself equal with God. It is very important that we do not follow in those same footsteps. God alone is worthy to recieve all the glory.

"So when the Spirit of the Lord is seen in our lives and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are apparent, let us remember: It was not our hands and feet that were nailed to the cross, it was not our flesh that was crushed for sinful man, it was not our brow which thorns were pressed upon, it was not our love for mankind which led us to Calvary. It was JESUS, He alone is worthy! It is by Him, for Him, and to Him that we reflect God's glory. Let us adamantly and zealously give Him all praise. We are not here to please men but God, who tests and knows our hearts. This is the standard by which we must lead worship."

A church worship leader of the church I attend said this once. I don't know if it is his own words or a quote from another. Like I said, I revised it only a little for better clarity but other than that I've really tried to keep it exactly how he said it. It's powerful!