Friday, January 24, 2014

Falsley Credited to Evolution

I started school Wednesday. Attending the local community college. In truth I love it, except how much they taught evolution. It's especially emphasized in Biology.
There we sit, a book of wonderous things of our world, so delicate yet complex beyond our comprehension, entirely insync and beautiful, and its polluted by "this is the world a billion years ago". "When we came from animals", thats when we lost our mind. No offense, but I don't see how someone can study or even teach science and truly believe there is no God.
They say by natural selection we were evolved into better creatures. Natural selection? Well let me ask you, who did the selecting? SomeBODY someTHING had to have the brains, the conscious mind, the ability to make a decision, in order for us to be chosen. Also, a cell can reproduce indeed, cloning an exact copy of itself. But it cannot create another cell with a different set of DNA or genomes. If the world was really made from a single living organism, a cell, then the world must really be a clump of pudding. Cuz we would literally have to be the EXACT same thing as our "parents".
We aren't however. That is quite obvious. The universe is a complex creation, each species unique with special abilities and gifts. We are the workmanship of a God. We were - human beings - purposefully made, not the biproduct of a world that struggled to form order. When man was created, it was created. Just like that. We were never evolved. Why then do people insist we are existent by sole chance? Do they truly desire to have no meaning to their lives?

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