"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
"My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?"
Psalm 42:1-2 KJV
I am reminded of those lyrics inspired by this Psalm.
As the deer panteth for the water
so my soul longeth after Thee
You alone are my heart's desire
and I long to worship Thee
You alone are my strength my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
and I long to worship Thee
This is how we ought to strive for God everyday, every waking moment of our lives, just as He strives for us. We are the center of His attention from the beginning of creation. He gave everything so that we might be able to be with Him for eternity in paradise. Despite our downfalls He loves us without regard, unconditionally. If the Maker of the universe will go to such lengths to be with us, shouldn't we reciprocate? Shouldn't we strive to follow Him, to dwell in His midst, and be near Him?
When you have a crush it seems they consume your thoughts. They keep you up at night, and they occupy your dreams. When they are absent, the room feels empty and amiss. You become anxious like their is something you're missing out on somewhere else. Yet as soon as they walk in that all changes. Suddenly, you can't imagine yourself anywhere else. Just being there near them makes you happy. Their presence almost gives you a sort of high. You look for any excuse to be around them, and get to know them. You want to, no, you have to know everything about them.
This is how we should think about Christ. He is our first love, and the more we seek Him the more we want to be near Him. He should dwell in our conscious day and night, and through everything we do. He IS the fire that lights up the room, and without Him every room becomes dark. In His midst you find peace and unfathomable love. You find that you have to know everything about Him, and you relish every word recorded in His Bible. The moment you start seeking Him will be the moment you find you need Him in your life. All you have to do is open your heart and let Him in, every new morning.
Let us seek Him as He sought us...
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