What is true joy? Some days one strives for it to no end. No one can deny the ill depression that sweeps our Nation. We long for happiness. Isn't that the goal of all individuals? The pursuit of happiness? To many that is a fountain of wealth, a fairytale romance, whole health, or success. The definition of fulfillment and contentment lies in what we can reap from this world.
As a Christian one finds joy in Christ, and in salvation. We find joy in the midst of a raging storm (that is not to say we don't have our ups and downs, for we too struggle to find hope in the fierce trials). But even the greatest joy in this world, cannot compare to that which we will discover when we come into the presence of our Lord in Heaven.
It is like looking through the pane of a bakery: unable to touch, to taste, to fully experience the goodness of those sweets.
As a Christian one finds joy in Christ, and in salvation. We find joy in the midst of a raging storm (that is not to say we don't have our ups and downs, for we too struggle to find hope in the fierce trials). But even the greatest joy in this world, cannot compare to that which we will discover when we come into the presence of our Lord in Heaven.
It is like looking through the pane of a bakery: unable to touch, to taste, to fully experience the goodness of those sweets.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
I Corinthians 13:12 (KJV)
When this world fades away, when our mortal lives come to an end, when we stand before our Savior, He will look into our eyes and He will smile. We will feel His love like we have never felt before. We will be overwhelmed in a joy so great it surpasses understanding. Peace will rule so powerfully in our hearts it will shake the foundation of our souls. And suddenly... suddenly we will realize we were looking through a glass pane this whole time.
We are disconnected to a degree here on this earth, encompassed entirely by a world unworthy of God's glory. For He is a perfect God, and we live in an imperfect world. We are saved by grace, but we live in a world where Satan is the prince. We see God's glory as it were through a glass, separated.
Yet take heart, there comes a day when the Lord will shatter that glass with an iron fist and His glory will resound like a thousand trumpets. We will be drawn to our knees everyone, and with our tongues confess that He is Lord. One day this world will fade and when it does, the Heaven's will roll back and we will behold His glory. The glory of the Father. And we will be encompassed, bathed, and baptized in His love, peace and joy.
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