Monday, July 29, 2013

Swaziland - A Voice for the Voiceless

Its Monday 29 of July and today, while searching on the web, I stumbled upon the name of a small country surrounded by South Africa and Mozambique. I have never heard of this country before but as I started reading I found it to be in dire straights and suffering tremendously with HIV and AIDS, as well as Tuberculosis. Thus, I found the country I should pray for. Here is just a portion of what I discovered about it:

"The Kingdom of Swaziland is one of the last remaining monarchies in Africa. Home to 1.1 million people, it's where the world's highest HIV/AIDS infection rate lives (26.1% in adults and over 50% of adults in their 20s). It's estimated that by 2050, Swaziland may cease to exist... Young orphans are scattered throughout this nation in desperate need of attention..." Says one article from an international ministry organization. "Swaziland is critically affected by the HIV and AIDS pandemic, which is now a major threat to its society. As reported in the 2012 CIA World Factbook, Swaziland has the highest HIV infection rate in the world (25.8% of all adults; more in other reports)... Life expectancy has fallen from 61 years in 2000 to 32 years in 2009... Tuberculosis is also a significant problem, with an 18% mortality rate... 83% are co-infected with HIV." Says Wikipedia on the matter.

Here in America we hardly ever hear of these things that are happening. We live our lives as though "life is good" and "the world is a good place". But is it? Beyond our boarders and across the seas lies millions of people struggling to keep their lives. They fight for their lives. They don't know what it means to be safe. They have never experience what it feels like to be stuffed from eating too much. They can't even imagine a world without pain or sorrow.

In Swaziland such is a place where people do suffer day in and out. Not just from hunger or drought but from illnesses that wreck their frail bodies and steal away their loved ones like a thief in the night.

Will none help or come to their rescue? Let us therefore hear their cry today. Let us give of our time and care to raise a prayer for them to our Heavenly Father. For the Lord sees what we cannot see. He sees their affliction and heartache. Can we not at least intercede for them in prayer and beg mercy and healing?

Let us stand and be the people of our Loving God. Let us be the servants we are called to be. If we cannot stand with them in person and hold their hand, let us at least commit to pray for them. Let us pour a little love on this world.

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