Monday, December 23, 2013

College Debate over Creationism

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." This is found in the book of Genesis, chapter two, verse seven, of the Bible.

Schools these days teach evolution, and how the world came into being through a series of combustible activity. They speak of how we were dealt a lucky hand in that life on earth was established when a Big Bang exploded in the sky. Indeed, there might have been a big bang, but not by accident. It did not take billions of years, but merely six days (thats less than a week) to complete creation, wrought by a sovereign God with unlimited power. Yet we are not taught this in most schools. Instead, we are told how the world and even the complexity and perfect functioning of the present human body, down to the alignment of every cell and its forming of our organs, can come from the evolving of simpler more flawed creatures. I beg to differ.
The eye itself is comprised of in numerous mechanical pieces. From the hundreds of cells, to the thousands of proteins, to how the eye reacts to light and expands in darkness, to the clarity of the lens and how it can focus from even a great distance, to even how the brain sorts through the information the eye sends, and creates an image for us to understand. This organ is complicated to the highest degree, and could not have developed over time. After all, how did evolution know the eye was needed when there was no telling there was anything to see? It must have been intentionally created. Not to mention that if chance could throw together a masterpiece such as the eye, then why can't we, with our intelligent minds, duplicate that same organ to give sight to the blind?
Do you know of any building that did not have a builder? Do you know of any book that did not have a writer? Do you know of any song that did not have a composer? How about this one: Do you know of any world that did not have a Maker?
Sir Fred Hoyle, British mathematician and astronomer, was quoted in Nature magazine, November 12, 1981, as saying, "The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein."
Why then is this theory of evolution being taught to the future generations? Perhaps because many truly believe it. Perhaps because many do not wish to admit there is a God. It is obvious though, that throughout the world and for thousands of years, mankind have sought for a higher power. They seek something or someone to worship. They seek a dictator, a leader, a judge. The Muslims believe in Allah, Hindu does Buddha, and the early Egyptians gave reverence to a sun God amongst many others. In America, we too seek to worship and reverend something or someone, be it materialistic gain, fame, or a celebrity. The only conclusion we can draw is that we as humans are wired with a like mind, a hunger if you will, to put our trust in something.
Beyond this instinct of ours, there is more in nature that proves that we were created. Take a look at a common number that streams through all of the universe. There are 3,168 furlongs in the Earth’s radius, 31,680 miles in its perimeter, and when you add up the “square circle of the earth”, it totals 31,680 miles. All of these examples of the same number can only mean one thing. There is a common thread tying together all of nature. Further more, there is a fingerprint in all of the universe.
One of the main illustrations of evolution is how we came from monkeys. In truth, we do have similar characteristics to the chimpanzee. To name a few: we share 85-95% of the same DNA, we often eat a common diet, we both use a form of communication (theirs done mostly through grunts, hoots, even screams), and we both love to socialize and show affection be it hugging, giving a friendly pat or even tickling. Yes... even tickling. But one problem still seems to stand in the way of them being our ancestors. If evolution is the refining for a better creature, and we are that better and more accomplished creature, why then do chimpanzees still exist? Why do sloths exist? And why did the Woolly Mammoth become extinct?
There are answers to these questions. The answers do not hide from us, and they are at our grasp. They all point to one explanation. We are not alone in this universe. We have a Creator.
By the power of His words the world came into being. He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He molded the mountains and opened the valleys with just His voice. The waters, so deep and untamed, He constrained them about with beaches of fine sand and precarious and lofty cliffs. The seed He folded into the soil, and nursing it with care, it bore goodly fruits. 6 days and the work was complete. And yet as amazing as it all was, the best creation was mankind. The only, in which He breathed life into from His own self.
People will always seek proof and evidence of how the world came into existence. And indeed, as we have seen, there is proof but we often tend to forget the evidence that surrounds us. The evidence manifesting before our very eyes. When we first hold a newborn, or when our bodies fight a virus, or when we find ourselves falling in love for the first time. The things of the heart… emotions… our ever nagging consciousness… even how the earth spins and how we manage to not fall off. WE are that evidence that there is a Creator, and that life is an intentional creation. Not only is life intentional but we, you and me, are beautifully and wonderfully made by a sovereign God. And we have a purpose.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Heart and Mind of God

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord."
Isaiah 55:8 KJV

Teach me to surrender my will and seek after Your holy and perfect will, Lord. For You are not a good that will abandon us in the middle of the drought, neither will you leave us standing alone in our deepest trials. Though we may not understand the paths You have set before us, teach us to walk them in faith, and in humility. Knowing that our simple minds cannot, many times, understand Your plans for our life, and what You will and won't allow. I give today and the rest of the week to You, Lord Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

By His Breath

Imagine the universe spread from east to west, beyond the eye could ever see. Imagine the blazing flame of the sun, to warm our skin and burn the darkness away. Imagine the power of the wind, how it heaves with every breath. Imagine every living creature, somehow coexisting in an odd sort of balance of life and death. Imagine the mighty waves that roar and crash against the precipice cliff, that tower above its waters. Imagine the depth of the ocean and all its mysteries.Imagine each and every phenomenon which cannot be explained by evolution. Some will always argue life came from a Big Bang, a sudden burst of certain chemicals by chance. I say it is the evidence of a God, and with but one voice the earth was spoken into motion. By His breath, we have life.

A New Commitment

I am committing two hours each morning to Jesus. To spend time with Him in whatever way He leads me to. After a devotion, whether it be to worship Him in music, praying, updating this blog, writing (He has pressed it upon my heart to finish my book), or anything else. =) I post this here in hopes to keep me accountable to truly pursue this and not give up after a day or a week.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Those times when God has an amazing plan for your life, but you go and mess things up in the millionth crime. You question if it's worth to apologize once again. The words aren't new. He's heard them been said. But then you hear His voice, He tells you to change. He tells you He's got a better and more perfect way. He says it's all yours. All you gotta do is believe. Just believe that He died and rose again and that YOU ARE FREE. You are free from the chains that sin has bound you in. You are free from the Devil and his devious plans so, believe and have faith. Pray and mean what you say. Then give it to God and rejoice in His grace. This is not a competition, but a lifetime revelation. About the One who died for you. Its a chance at redemption. Redemption is a gift. It isn't earned nor deserved. The guy you told you that, his name is Lucifer. God's gift is free. It's free to all mankind. All you gotta do is believe and take a chance at life. Take a chance to live, to live for the better. For the better becomes eternal, when you give your life to the Father. So the next time someone tells you, "You're no good. You don't deserve it." Reply with a smile, "You're right, but I have it."

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Strangely at Peace

That moment when you find yourself overwhelmed with so much to do and never enough time. That moment when a sudden rush of fear comes over you that you are losing money left and right. To the world, I am in way over my head. But when I seek the face of the Lord, I find that all I want to do is worship Him. I want to dwell in His presence, and suddenly that overwhelming burden of fear and worry lifts from my shoulders. I am strangely at peace. I look ahead with a smile and high hopes. Jesus is amazing!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


God has been working amazingly in my life. Everything from blessing me with true friends and a loving family, to giving me the opportunity and way to pursue this calling of nursing, to just encouraging me and motivating me to continue in His will.

I went to a luncheon today at the community college I attend. It was to honor the many donors of scholarships as well as congratulate the recipient students. I was blessed enough to be one. I was nervous at first, but soon that subsided as it was replaced with a kindling fire and assurance that I was doing what God wanted me to do. I witnessed countless donors and students who publicly professed their Faith. I had the opportunity to meet my supporters. I enjoyed a wonderful lunch (with pumpkin cheesecake as a dessert).

This day. This week. This year has truly been blessed. Yet now is the week upon us where many children don their costumes and trick or treat. So much darkness is in this time of year. Most people do not see it because it is subtle. Yet through and through not all take October 31 as just a fun filled day. Many take it to a serious occult level.

God has weighed it heavily on my heart to pray for this nation... To pray globally over this day and the children and families. May God's presence be evident and His power be at work today as this spiritual battle is being fought invisibly around us. Unknown to the eye yet ever amongst us.

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Hurting World At Our Fingertips

So this isn't normally part of my weekly prayer but I do have a few things that God has laid on my heart today, and I really feel like I ought to share them with you. You are welcome to join me in petitioning to God, but you will not be struck by lightening if not. Lol
One is that I have a good friend who has been depressed for a while now and has been thinking on ending her life. She is only 14 and the Devil has a strong grip on her heart. She believes in God and claims that she is a Christian but I often question if she really has a personal relationship with Him.
Another is that my coworker slipped and fell today and I am nigh convinced she broke a rib. After a few hours she was struggling to even breathe and had to keep her back straight like a board to ease the pain from a ten to a nine. She isn't one to complain at all and I worry it is serious.
I know God can do miracles and I believe there is a field ready to be harvested where people are hurting. These girls I mentioned as well as the rest of the world. As well as those diagnosed with XDR-TB. But God can move mountains. He is the essence of our being and breathes the strength of the world with every breath. May He touch these two women today and bless them. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where is the cure?...

XDR-TB. Its a type of Tuberculosis that is sweeping the nations across the globe. Within weeks a strong, healthy warrior or maiden will fall critically ill and die. There are few cures. Scientists and medical organizations fight to save these afflicted lives and find a treatment, but the disease continues to mutate and transform. It is highly contagious. The victims suffer incredibly as it eats away their bodies and strength.

This is not even the worst. There are rumors of another TB, known as TDR-TB (totally drug resistant), that has absolutely no cure. There have been cases of this type in Iran, Iraq and India. Scientists have tried to find drugs that will fight this mutation of the disease, but they have yet to be successful. Those who catch this have no hope of survival, unless God intervenes. Beyond this, W.H.O. and several other health organizations refuse to acknowledge its existence.

Is their any hope? Or is this the next global pandemic? Please join me in praying for these people and their families. Perhaps there is no cure that man can provide, but God can always intervene. Let us pray in faith and watch miracles happen!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A total of 700

Amazing Youth Conference in Great Falls this weekend. God moved mountains. A total of 700 people. Looking forward to next year already! =)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Controversy Over Wolves

So this is an editorial I wrote for school. It's the first draft so a tad rough around the edges.

The controversy over whether or not wolves are a threat or an endangered species seem to rattle in the balance these days. We have both extremists and everything in between. Yet what are the facts that field researchers and biologists are coming up with? After much research I have come to realize that, like any other animal, wolves do best when left alone. We should not worry over the elks existence and daily habits because they do not kill many elk, they build up these herds rather, and they help sustain plant life.

The accusations against wolves often are linked with the diminishing population of elk. People claim they are the reason for the elk changing their migration patterns, for obtaining more diseases, and even for dying of starvation. According to researcher Arthur Middleton, that is not the case. "[Elk] on average, encounter wolves once every 9 days,” He states, “Elk did move slightly more when wolves were within 1 kilometer, but not by much. They only traveled an extra 30 meters per hour.” That is not frequent enough to affect even their body fat, which is yet another misconception about wolves. These canines travel up to 500 miles. They do not stalk a herd of elk beyond a single meal.

What about when they do? What about when they prey on elk and chase them down to feed on them? One point, which is almost never mentioned, is the fact that when these canines do prey on elk they do not go for the strongest. They kill the weakest, the young ones, or the old and injured. "Wolves help insure that the healthiest elk thrive and reproduce,” says one professor at Carroll College. Jonathan Matthews spends his time studying and researching on this topic, and has brought to the table much knowledge that otherwise would be left unsaid. “Generations of elk have suffered functional decline during the decades that wolves have been missing from Montana."  This clearly states the need for a population of wolves in an area. What a landscaper might do to a garden, pruning the trees and weeding, the wolves do to the herds. They encourage the top elk to rear up strong generations, while cutting out the weaker animals.

Another point Jonathan states is the fact that wolves help maintain healthy vegetation. Indeed, this might sound a little odd. To the average, unlearned American, it would seem wolves only kill and destroy. This is not the case.  "With elk no longer able to graze lazily in the river bottoms, they are no longer eating willow and cottonwood sprouts, so the unnaturally bare banks are greening,... [the wolves] are creating habitats that support insects, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals." And this is not all. There have been countless situations where elk, bored and endlessly wandering, have found themselves to ranchers’ fields and their crops. Wolves help by keeping them on the move, thus giving vegetation a chance to survive and thrive. Without wolves, this couldn't happen.

Will all this evidence, it becomes clear that wolves truly are not a threat. Indeed, they do hunt elk. Indeed, they can be aggressive. But what shall we then say? Shall we accuse these animals of trying to survive? Shall we accuse them for hunting to feed their young ones? Shall we accuse them of first degree murder? As we have seen, they benefit the herds and surrounding wildlife in numerous ways. Without these wild canines, the animal kingdom would fall apart. So why not stand back and watch nature take care of itself? It has for thousands of years.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Because of Tradition

Prostitution Enforced by Tradition

I found this link while searching the internet today. It is on a small village in India, known as Naptura, where prostitution is forced upon young girls. This is such a huge battle all over the world, and this is but a glimpse of it. We need to stand up and be their allies. We need to be a voice when they have lost theirs. For they suffer in the silence of their homes, with none to care or feel their pain. "...The most shocking [and saddest] fact is that almost every woman here believes that she is just carrying on a ‘village tradition’. This thought [is] instilled in them by their family members and other male relatives in their childhood.."
 Let us not ignore this grotesque crime. Let us not be content to happily live our lives in free America while they struggle in pain and suffering. Let us rather carry their burdens and commit to do something so simple, yet so powerful. Let us commit to pray. Let us commit to make a change.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Persuasive Speech - World Hunger

So this is something I wrote for my public speaking class I am currently taking at the local college. It's sorta rough around the edges but I thought I'd post it here.

"If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger." These profound words were spoken first by Buzz Aldrin. Indeed, how true they are! So why hasn’t the world figured out a solution to this pressing issue?

According to a field report done by Medecins Sans Frontieres (also known as MSF) over 195 million children currently suffer from malnutrition worldwide with 20 million being acute cases. From these, only 3% actually receive the treatment they need.

Because of this deficiency in food, their bodies lack nutrients and thus become weaker and more vulnerable to diseases. From sudden blindness, to anemia (which is frequently exacerbated by malaria and worm infections) to iodine deficiency orders which jeopardize the child’s mental health, their frail bodies begin to disintegrate rapidly without the proper nourishment.

South Asia, the Horn and the Sahel of Africa are the most alarming hot-spots for child malnutrition and mortality. Half of the deaths in children under five in developing countries, occur in these three regions.

So how can we fight malnutrition? How can we prevent these deaths and outbreaks of illnesses? The answer is simple. We need more food.

With enough food there would be no more hunger. The mortality rate would greatly decrease. Fewer people would suffer from these diseases. Everyone could have their fill of nutritious foods and everyone could know what its like to feel stuffed after a Thanksgiving dinner.

So many great things would happen if world hunger no longer existed and the solution is simple. A single meal of nutritious food a day could keep a body alive and well. But we traditionally have three! What if we were to give up just one of our meals - that’s seven a week - and give the resources instead to those who suffer from starvation? Right now, over 300,000,000 people live in the USA. That’s 300,000,000 lives we could save, including in our own country! So what are we waiting for?! Why can’t you and I take the first steps to a better tomorrow? Imagine the possibilities!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don't Give Up!

So don't give up. God didn't give up on you. He laid His life down for you. Will you dare to live for Him? Will you dare to stay steadfast in Him, despite what come your way?

Gloria a Dios!

Praise God! From the highest mountains to the deepest seas, let us lift our voices in adoration to our King! He has blessed me so much. From gifting me with a scholarship to cover yet more of my college tuition, to giving me so many great friends, to indeed being my comforter in every hardship. The Lord Jehovah is in truth, the Father of love, mercy, compassion, and power. And so much more!

My car died several times today. It couldn't hold an idle for more than a second; which is not near enough to pull the gear from park into drive. The devil truly is using every trick up his sleeve to discourage me, and to keep me from pursuing the calling God has set for me. But the enemy will not win. I will not back down. God has given me an assignment to serve across seas and I will not 'throw in the towel'. I will not let God or those overseas be disappointed.

There will come a day when I will pass all these obstacles and look back on the path which I struggled. I will know that the trials were worth it. I will be amazed at God's grace in guiding me. I will worship Him for all He has done. And thus, I shall worship Him even now. Gloria a Dios!

Monday, October 7, 2013

A New Person

God is so good! But of course you all already know that. =)

It hasn't been all rainbows and daisies recently, but the Lord is faithful. Despite all that I struggle with I see Him working in amazing ways, behind the scenes. He has become so much apart of my daily activities. He has His foot in everything I do and I love it! I want to include Him. No longer do I feel His presence only at church, but in every single aspect of my life.

He is healing me from the inside out. He is blessing me. He is giving me the strength to endure the trials I face everyday. In fact, despite all the heartache of I am dealing with I have to say that this season has been great! It has been blessed! I will remember these days as a paradise. Why? Not because of what the world has thrown at me, but because of how God has been working in my life... in my heart. I feel like a completely new person! And I am so excited to share it with you all!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Too much hope?

So i know i haven't been very faithful to posting here. To say my life has been busy would be a grave understatement. Yet i have truly enjoyed every minute of these hectic days... Mostly.
God has been working in my life in amazing ways, and should i try to tell you it all i wouldn't know where to begin.
For one thing i will say that my undying hope has been both my downfall and strength. Too often my hopes rise to heights so great that when i am faced with failure i fall to great disapointment. Indeed, it is good to have faith. To hope in all things. Yet is it possible to hope too much? If so, i am tragically guilty.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Eyes on the prize

Its week two in my college studies n i must admit that i love it! The classes are easy enough and the instructors great. I only pray that i do well and "keep my eyes on the prize" so to speak. For i am doing this so that i might eventually be able to serve over seas. As long as i keep that in mind and seek forever the will of God, i know i will come out victorious =)

Monday, September 2, 2013

When they have no voice...

So God has been working so much in my life. For one, I feel like my heart is lead continually to hurting children. Sure I've always thought kids were cute and precious (some intimidating and annoying) but I never truly felt like I would pursue a ministry focused on children. I never thought I could fall so easily in love with children.

But I have. And now I cry when I but see their suffering faces on the internet. I see their pain and anguish and I mourn because I know that they are fighting a losing battle. They face desolation, captivity, hatred, emptiness and loneliness on every side. They weep and call out but no one hears them. They cry for someone to hear them but the world doesn't even see them.

I want to go to those children. I want to be their voice when theirs has gone. When they can't stand because they have been pushed down too many times, I want to lift them up on my shoulders and be their feet. I want to wash their wounds and comb their messy hair. I want to embrace them and kiss them, even yet while their bodies are infected with disease, because no one else dares even touch them. I want to pray for them and watch them be healed. I want to tell them about Jesus and pour His love onto them. I want to wrap them in warm blankets and tell them they have a Father in Heaven who cares for them and is watching over them. I want to suffer when they suffer. I want to bear their burdens. I want to cry their tears and I want to laugh when they at last laugh. I want to find them and let them know their cry has been heard. I want to tell them that someone still cares. More over, I want to tell them Jesus cares.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Unexplained Change

First off I just want to apologize for not writing sooner. God has been working in my life in ways I never would have imagined. To list them all here would be to write a book.

As you may have noticed I have been waiting two weeks to update Voice for the Voiceless rather than only one. At first I must admit it was out of procrastination but now I feel the Lord leading me to continue to pray even longer, for the children and their families who die from hunger, for instance, every year. All I can think about is their skin and bones and weeping faces and frightened eyes and loss of hope that seem to scream from the pictures I find online.

I can't help but want to hold them in my arms and whisper to them about Jesus and His love. To tell them that He is watching them and wiping away their tears and weeping when they weep and indeed rejoicing when they are happy. I want so desperately to hear the sound of their carefree giggles and hearty laughs. To see the smile in their eyes. I want to love them like Jesus. In short, I am dedicating yet another week to "Endless Hunger".

In addition to that, I at last started my first day of college. Public Speaking was the class and I have a feeling that I will enjoy it immensely. I still can't believe that I am finally beginning this journey to pursue my dream. I only wish it didn't have to take so long. Four years seems like centuries when you know that people are dying everyday. It's so hard for me to be happy without feeling guilty inside. Here I laugh while they cry. Perhaps such is the reason I find myself awkwardly crying in randoms moments of the day.

Call me emotional but all my life it was so easy for me to weep selfish tears. It came so easily when someone hurt my feelings. Yet now, today, I couldn't shed a tear. I was at a lost until suddenly the Lord reminded me of the hurting children from across seas. Thinking of their pain caused me to cry endlessly. I didn't even know why but it ached so deep inside, and I could literally feel their burdens and sorrow. It took everything inside me to keep from jumping a plane at that moment and shipping myself off to some unnamed country. Indeed, I find it slightly frightening the way the Lord is working in my life and heart.

Yet perhaps it is OK if it gives me the drive and motivation to run after this calling, if it keeps me focused on the Lord's will for my life, then I don't mind it. I am thankful. I am thankful for how much the Lord has been changing me. Now I hear Him tell me that He wants to bless me.

He says that I am "ready". That the "time is here". Yet time for what? I don't understand but I feel Him smile. I am so glad that Jesus is so alive in my life. I only wish I could live my calling today. Right now. I know the day will come and these such weekly prayers are the only thing that holds me together while I wait for me to be ready. May I live to be everything that God has planned for me and nothing more. 

And bless those children who do hunger. Their pain is in my heart always.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Endless Hunger - A Voice for the Voiceless

"...Children are the most visible victims of undernutrition.  Children who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year. Poor nutrition plays a role in at least half of the 10.9 million child deaths each year--five million deaths.  Undernutrition magnifies the effect of every disease, including measles and malaria.
According to the most recent estimate that Hunger Notes could find, malnutrition, as measured by stunting, affects 32.5 percent of children in developing countries--one of three (de Onis 2000). Geographically, more than 70 percent of malnourished children live in Asia, 26 percent in Africa and 4 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean. In many cases, their plight began even before birth with a malnourished mother. Under-nutrition among pregnant women in developing countries leads to 1 out of 6 infants born with low birth weight. This is not only a risk factor for neonatal deaths, but also causes learning disabilities, mental, retardation, poor health, blindness and premature death..."

These poor children suffer all their lives, many never having a real meal. Truly nothing but skin and bones, it makes me ashamed to know how much we stuff our faces here in America. And think of all those millions of dollars going into dieting and special pills to help us lose weight. Think of how many people are bulimic. We spend $50+ on a steak dinner when that could indeed feed so many starving families across seas.

I'm not saying that it is a sin to enjoy a nice meal every now and again but don't forget about those who are going hungry. Don't forget about those children who are dying everyday, losing the battle of hunger. They can't even imagine what it feels like to be full. They don't know what it's like to "eat out of boredom". Food isn't a luxury to them. It's a prize they fight everyday only to find it many times unobtainable.

Please join me in praying to God for these people. They are suffering and in pain. These children many times are beyond recovery, but you and I know of Someone who can still heal them. You and I know that there is still hope. If nothing else than for their souls. Don't let us turn a blind eye to their anguish and cry.

"Lord hear their cry tonight. Hold them in Your arms and fill their bellies. Bring people to their aid and stop this hunger. Let them find hope in You. Rain manna down and bless them. Show them Your strength and power and grace and love. Let them know that You are near and have heard them. Let them know that they are not alone. You say to pray in faith. Indeed, in faith we pray. In Jesus' name, Amen."

For more information see below -
Just how hungry?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

With all my breaths I pray

There was a prayer I uttered some time ago that I would have the chance to talk about the Lord at my work. Aside from always praying at lunch and little things like not participating in Halloween, I never really felt like there was an open door for me to freely talk about the Lord... until yesterday.

It was just one of my co-workers but somehow we got onto the subject of life and family. I never share about my childhood (I mean who wants to talk about your mother leaving?) but yesterday I just felt like I needed to. It was brief but in the end I was talking about how though God allows heartache and trials, He never expects us to bear them alone. There is always a reason for everything and such things can make us stronger and closer to God.

I told her how I was okay to have just been raised by a dad. How I never missed anything because God somehow brought it about that we would still be a complete family. I don't regret the past but am thankful for it... because it has made me the person I am today.

I won't bore you with details but know that my life has never been roses and rainbows. Yet I don't mind. I'm perfectly fine the way my 19 years of life were spent. Except for the regret of not sharing the Gospel more to people and the times I did fail. But the Lord always gives us the opportunity to repent and start over.

It is because of His saving grace and mercy. It is because of His love, for indeed He first loved us when we were yet lost sinners and condemned. But Christ was moved with compassion and so came down from Heaven to pour His love on this world. It was unrequited love so many times but that didn't stop Him. He went to the cross for us and died for us because His love for us was that strong. It IS that strong. And that is exactly how I am able to endure any hardship that comes my way. Because I know that there is Someone watching over me; Someone who died for me 2,000 years ago on a cross. And I know that such trials are only opportunities to make me stronger.

I am so glad for the opportunity that I had to share a bit of my testimony. It wasn't much at all. In fact, I didn't quite even get to the part how I accepted Jesus into my life. But I showed her how a life with Jesus has indeed changed my life and made me to survive all the hardship of my yesterdays.

I see the glow and hope of her accepting Christ into her life. She is so quiet when it comes to such topics but each day I see her opening up more and more. Just little comments and actions, and I pray with all my breaths that she is not far from taking that leap of faith. May I see that day when it comes, for indeed I have faith. And I am excited.

Friday, August 16, 2013

My first ever!

98 Dodge Neon. At the end of the day, when all else seems to fail, I feel Him lift me up and bless me. Indeed, He is faithful to those who seek Him. He is faithful and He is wonderful. Thank you God for all you do. Alas, I know you are with me.

Let me introduce you to my first ever...


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blessed Misfortune??

I haven't shared much about my life but one could say I've had quite the ride recently. As some may know, I am enrolled to start classes at a local community college and am currently in a desperate search to find an economical and reliable car and yes... ashamed to say... acquire my license. But hey, who wouldn't procrastinate when you live two blocks from downtown and your work? Honestly, before school I never needed to commute anywhere. Yet alas I do now and I find time slipping from my fingers.

I've honestly begun to think it isn't the Lord's will for me to attend school. Perhaps I should consider online courses. At least for this semester. The thing I fear the most is living outside the Lord's will. I just want to do everything as soon as possible; start school, graduate, and ship myself across seas to do what I've always wanted to do... the only reason why I've even considered college.

MSF Doctors Without Borders seems so far away some days. Like it'll be another lifetime before I can live that dream. Perhaps I should forget the degree and instead save up and buy that airplane ticket now. I mean there's plenty of ministry organizations I could join, right? I start small. Maybe an orphanage. Join the little medical unit there and learn while on the job.

I could find people who are going to other devastating life-threatening places and hitch a ride with them. Within a year I could be doing what I've always wanted to do. I could be feeding the poor, cradling the crying babies. I could be laying hands on the sick and showing people the hope that lies with Jesus. I could be loving them like Jesus. Who honestly said I have to wait 4 years?

I'm so antsy I swear that if God wants me to stay here and do this college thing, then He might just have to hog tie me to this air mattress of a bed and pile a bunch of textbooks on top to hold me down.

I cried so hard today (laugh if you want but its true) when I started to wonder if I ever would be given the chance to go across seas. Today felt so hopeless as I realized that every single attempt I made to get my license and buy a car fell through to failure. From my sister's car breaking down in the middle of the test, to expenses piling up from nowhere, to being unable to arrange appointments and transportation to go see cars for sale, nothing has worked out.

Don't get me wrong I know that God has everything under control. I'm just afraid that I have completely misunderstood how God wants me to go about this. I'm terrified of living outside of God's will but sometimes I don't have the foggiest idea what that even is. In truth, are these misfortunes God's way of telling me I'm going the wrong way... or is the Devil in a desperate attempt to thwart me from what God wants me to do?

If it's the Devil then I will not be moved and I will be steadfast in pursuing this... but if this is all from God then all I want to do is give everything up and let Him take over.

Perhaps that is exactly what I need to do. If it's the Lord's will for me to get this license and a car and attend school then God will provide a way. I have proven that I am willing and I have tried everything to meet Him half way. Perhaps this was all a test and now all I have to do is fall in the arms of Jesus and watch Him work in my life. If I am not in God's will I vow to give up right now and let Him take the wheel. If it is... then He will work out everything.

I don't know if you guys even got this far in this post. It's so long and I'm sure by now your just sitting there with your eyes half closed skimming the words and grateful the end is in sight. Lol. I would be too. Just know that it doesn't matter how messed up your life seems. It doesn't matter how many times you've hit rock bottom. What matters is if you've let the Lord take over yet. What matters is if whether or not your still struggling at the wheel or if you've taken your foot off the pedal. What matters is if you've realized yet that the only way your getting through this is with God leading the way. Lets just say that is what I am learning everyday.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Truth in Cliche

Saw this on the web and had to post it. How cliche yet so true! Indeed, even I am guilty of being too impatient. My prince will come in God's timing.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Depends on my ears...

I saw this yesterday and laughed. Its so true and I think we often find ourselves only listening to what we WANT to hear. When God's will doesn't align with ours we often tune out not realizing that we are.
I have been guilty of this numerous times. Perhaps the humor in this photo will help us never forget to be sensitive to what the Lord has to say to us.

Many times His answer is "Wait". It has been for me so many times and all too often I jump the gun and mess everything up. He may fix everything and eventually come around to saying "Now go" but by then there will have been so much time wasted. Time that, if I would have only listened and waited, could be spent invested in what He has for me to do rather than fixing my early arrival.

Today, this week, this month, this YEAR, my goal is to wait on the Lord and be lead by His voice. I don't want to take my life into my own hands because every time I have the people I love the most get hurt. I get hurt and many times I've lost my opportunity entirely because of it. That little blessing that God was going to grant me now is no longer because I couldn't learn to wait. But I will now.

I will wait on Him. I will go when He tells me go. I will stop when He commands stop. I will take the path that He has set before me. Dare to take on the challenge of letting Him lead. Dare to close your eyes and see what places you will find yourself when you take His hand.

There is a world out there just beyond our fingertips and God has a special purpose for each one of us in it. He has written our life story and it is beautiful and amazing beyond our imagining. All we need do is follow Him. All we need do is accept His hand. All we need to is open our eyes and ears and heart and be ready for His bidding. Dare you to see what amazing things happen when we dare to listen? When we dare to follow?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Random Thoughts

So I realize that most people only read the main page of this blog. That's great and I am so thankful! If you ever bore with the posts here I also have been working on some other pages (some still need work) that you are more than welcome to check out.

On the right here as well, I have short devos or inspiring scriptures that I miyself have come to learn as I seek God more and more. Some are simply from Church services while others are what the Lord has shown me throughout random days.

Below and to the right of this pain page I also have a few links posted. The list grows longer as I discover more amazing faith based sites. If you have any you know please let me know. I would love to check them out and link to them.

One in particular is my favorite. Harvest Time is the name, and currently it is previewing a talented Christian Country artist on the rise. You can check that out here at -

Thanx everyone so much for reading and commenting. It truly is so encouraging. I love writing to you all and am so glad I have people to share my experiences with as I grow deeper in the Lord.

God bless!

Love me

Love me - JJ Heller

If you haven't heard this song you should check it out. I've always liked it but today when hearing it on the radio at work, it really hit hard and I saw it in a totally different way. This is the boy who doesn't know he has a Father who loves him. It's the mother who doesn't know she isn't alone. It's the man behind bars who can't see his second chance. It's the orphan who doesn't know he has a family eager to welcome him with open arms. These are the people who cry to the deafening silence with no reply. But Someone does hear them. Someone does love them.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Wounds of the Children - A Voice for the Voiceless

So I'm not entirely sure why my heart has been so set on children recently, but i just cant get them out of my head. This particular issue I'll share with you has been on my mind for nigh a week and my greatest regret is not posting it sooner. Thus, this week i vow to dedicate my time to praying for the children of China.

All across this over populated country children have been violently attacked throughout the schools and many even killed. Complete strangers will just walk in during school hours and throw around, kick and even stab these innocent kids for no reason. Many times the predators will kill themselves afterwards while no explanation is given as to why this sudden outburst of violence. If they are caught alive, their punishments remain mostly moderate if brought to justice at all.

I can't even begin to understand why God would allow this but I know that there is a reason for everything. Satan is the prince of this world and everyday we witness horrible things happen. Perhaps such things happen so that we might as God's people stand up and do something about it. Perhaps it is a motivation to leave our comfort zone and comfort the inflicted. We are not on this earth for our own pleasure nor to enjoy a comfortable and carefree life. Our mission is to be ambassadors for Christ. It is our duty to love this world and be that Good Samaritan and help the brokenhearted and wounded. It is our calling to give of ourselves so that we might help save the life of another and bring them to know Christ.

What stops us therefore then, from lifting up a prayer to our heavenly for these poor children? Many know not God or how to pray. Many can't see the light of hope but we do through Jesus. Therefore let us meet with the Lord this day for them and request His saving grace. These children do not have a voice to cry out but we do! Let us be a voice for the voiceless!

For more information on whats happening in China see below -

Six Children Killed 
Nursery School Attack 
Teachers Too? 

(I do realize that there are some good schools still for children in China. But at the moment too many are unsafe and insecure for us to just ignore.)

Letting Him be real

Check this page out - Is Christ Real To You?

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29

Very true!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A little faith

"Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
"And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 
"And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God."
Acts 2:6-8 KJV

If only that faith existed today. If only we confessed the name of our Lord Jesus Christ like that. Imagine the miracles! Imagine the witnesses and testimonies! The lame man jumped for gladness when he was healed. He praised God. Imagine the revival that would sweep through the nations if such happened in 2013.

Indeed, we hear of certain miracles once in a while and blessed if we have a chance to witness one. It takes great faith and the first of the Christians had such. What then became of it? The Bible says if we were to have faith the size of but a mustard seed we could move mountains. It truly causes us to take a hard look at ourselves and question where we stand in our walk with Christ.

Some may argue that it was only while Jesus walked the earth that such miracles did happened. But have you not heard that He is with us now? Even unto the ends of the earth. We may not be able to see Him with our eyes but He is ever present, and we can witness His work in our lives if we just let Him lead... if we but have a little faith.

Be not afraid to proclaim His name. Be not afraid to pray for the sick. Pray and have faith. Dare to speak such words as "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." For it is when we do that, we will start to see miracles happen. We will start to see mountains move. We will start to see Christ ever existing and working in our lives and in our midst.

So dare to have a little faith!

Monday, July 29, 2013

I want to do it ALL

When I first decided to go into overseas medical all I wanted to do was aid in the most critical and emergency demanding situations. But today while looking for a picture to add on the Voice of the Voiceless, I couldn't help but ache for every man, woman and child that showed up on the screen.
Faces of those who couldn't escape suffering. Their pain and sorrow echoing in their eyes as their weakening bodies bore the burdens of illness and hunger and abuse. How could we have it so easy and they from birth be dealt such a terrible hand? So many didn't even have a chance to save their lives.
What I wouldn't give to wrap them in a warm blanket or feed them a bowl of hot soup or give them to drink a cup of cold, clean water. What I wouldn't give to put a smile on a child's face.
Suddenly I realize, I want to do it all. It doesn't matter anymore if their life is on the line at that very moment. They've been waiting their whole lives to be loved. Who says they have to wait until they are dying?
I want to be like Jesus. I want to show them His love. I want to shower them with it and watch as His joy anoints them and His hope rains down on them. The promise of a new day. A better day. I want to be there when they smile and find out that Jesus loves them. I want to be the one to tell them. I want to hold them and tell them that I love them.

Swaziland - A Voice for the Voiceless

Its Monday 29 of July and today, while searching on the web, I stumbled upon the name of a small country surrounded by South Africa and Mozambique. I have never heard of this country before but as I started reading I found it to be in dire straights and suffering tremendously with HIV and AIDS, as well as Tuberculosis. Thus, I found the country I should pray for. Here is just a portion of what I discovered about it:

"The Kingdom of Swaziland is one of the last remaining monarchies in Africa. Home to 1.1 million people, it's where the world's highest HIV/AIDS infection rate lives (26.1% in adults and over 50% of adults in their 20s). It's estimated that by 2050, Swaziland may cease to exist... Young orphans are scattered throughout this nation in desperate need of attention..." Says one article from an international ministry organization. "Swaziland is critically affected by the HIV and AIDS pandemic, which is now a major threat to its society. As reported in the 2012 CIA World Factbook, Swaziland has the highest HIV infection rate in the world (25.8% of all adults; more in other reports)... Life expectancy has fallen from 61 years in 2000 to 32 years in 2009... Tuberculosis is also a significant problem, with an 18% mortality rate... 83% are co-infected with HIV." Says Wikipedia on the matter.

Here in America we hardly ever hear of these things that are happening. We live our lives as though "life is good" and "the world is a good place". But is it? Beyond our boarders and across the seas lies millions of people struggling to keep their lives. They fight for their lives. They don't know what it means to be safe. They have never experience what it feels like to be stuffed from eating too much. They can't even imagine a world without pain or sorrow.

In Swaziland such is a place where people do suffer day in and out. Not just from hunger or drought but from illnesses that wreck their frail bodies and steal away their loved ones like a thief in the night.

Will none help or come to their rescue? Let us therefore hear their cry today. Let us give of our time and care to raise a prayer for them to our Heavenly Father. For the Lord sees what we cannot see. He sees their affliction and heartache. Can we not at least intercede for them in prayer and beg mercy and healing?

Let us stand and be the people of our Loving God. Let us be the servants we are called to be. If we cannot stand with them in person and hold their hand, let us at least commit to pray for them. Let us pour a little love on this world.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When He prayed for us...

"I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. 
"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
 "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 
"As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. 
"And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;"
John 17:15-20 KJV

Many people know this chapter as the passage where Jesus prayed unto His Father concerning the Church. Laced within every phrase is Christ's love for us manifested. He was on His way to Calvary and despite the little time before Him, He took the time to pray for us.

Imagine the prayers He speaks to the Father now? Even as He sits on the right hand of God, in full glory and majesty, still He hears us and sees our struggles. He prays not for us to be relieved from the pain and sorrow of this world, but for us to be delivered from the evil of it (vrs 15). We are His children and the sheep of His pasture. He has sent us into this world but not that we should be swallowed by it. For we are not of this world - we are of His Kingdom - only ambassadors of the Gospel of peace.

We are to be sanctified through the Truth. And what is that Truth? The Word of God. Let us therefore be sanctified through His Word. Abiding in His Word. Taking it to heart and letting it change our lives. Strengthening us and equipping us for the task at hand; to share the Gospel to all we meet. To seek out the chosen and show them the way to Christ, to life eternal.

Christ did not pray for our deliverance from heartache, but rather as He was on His way to Calvary, He prayed for us to be strengthened. He prayed for us to be courageous, to carry on the mission that Jesus Himself had begun... in bringing the Gospel to all. Even unto the ends of the earth.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A new dedication...

Ok so I have an idea for this blog. As you know I have decided to join MSF (Doctors Without Borders) when I finish my degree for nursing. Only that is four years away and too long for me to wait. Thus, I dedicate to pray for a country each week. To research on something that they are struggling with and to make time to go to God in prayer for them. I may not be able to be with them in the flesh but I will do the next best thing.

This week my prayers will be for Uganda. Northern Uganda to be exact. Over 3,000 children are currently suffering from an illness called Nodding Disease. The medical teams still are unsure of exactly what is causing these breakouts as the children will experience physical stunting, seizures and brain damage from it. They believe it has something to do with a deficiency in vitamin B6 and the parasitic worm Onchocerca Volvulus, which causes river blindness and is carried by the Black Fly.

I will be posting weekly these countries and would be over joyed if you could join me in praying for these people.

We are so blessed to be safe and warm, with a roof over our head and food in our bellies. Our life may not be perfect and we may even lose a job or house, but compared to these people we are abundantly blessed. 

Let us therefore, join hearts and hands to be a voice to the voiceless. Let us take a stand and seek our Lord and Savior on their behalf. Let us love this world as Jesus did.

For more information on the Nodding Disease in North Uganda see below -

Saturday, July 20, 2013

In the blank spaces

We all experience times in our life when it seems that our days are wasting away with no purpose or fulfillment. Many times it is our doing because we are afraid to take a leap of faith and follow the calling God has set before us. Yet many times, it is God who calls us to these seasons of... waiting.

I recently experienced one of these some time back. At first it was terrible. I was so anxious. I wanted to do something with my life. I wanted to go somewhere and now. I didn't want to wait even another day. I was restless and worried. Most of all I had my eyes focused on the past with no hope or care for the future. I was honestly convinced - I know it's weird - that the Lord would return in the year 2012. I thought there was no point of planning a life past that because it would never exist. As you can imagine my surprise when January 1st 2013 rolled into view.

I realized that I had wasted so much time just sitting around and refusing that there could be a year past 2012. I realized that it had kept me from coming to know the calling God had for my life. It kept me from pursuing this calling. It kept me looking back and wishing I could turn back the clock of time, sure that time was soon to be up. Boy was I wrong.

So what happened after I realized I could have a future? I saw myself helping the poorest of the poor and most needy in unnamed villages of far away places... yet I didn't know how to get there. I didn't know where I had to start.

I prayed for months seeking guidance. I searched the web for organizations and programs that would get me out into the mission field. I dreamed dreams and sought the advice of other missionaries. While many roads presented themselves, none seemed right. I thought I was just being indecisive and unmotivated. I thought I would lose interest and eventually give up searching. I prayed but it seemed no one answered. Until I finally typed in the url to a link I had received - and later forgotten - months before.

DoctorsWithoutBorders (MSF). While not Christian, they do bring hope to the most needy. They are the voice of the voiceless. I realized that I could do that and, with shining the light of Christ, be a witness to so many.

But I needed training. They were not amateurs in their field and neither could I be. I needed four years of training to be exact and another two of experience. Thus I start my journey of becoming a nurse, beginning with my generals at the local community college.

I am excited to begin in the fall and with this new dream ahead of me I can now look ahead instead of behind. I still cherish the past dearly but I do not live in it. I do not desire to bring it back but rather to take on tomorrow.

My point brings me to, first off: DO NOT ASSUME THE DAYS OF YOUR FUTURE BUT RATHER EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Don't be narrow-minded of what you think tomorrow holds, keeping you from truly understanding what could and what God wills to happen.

Secondly: WHEN YOU SEEK HIM AND HIS ANSWER IS "WAIT"... THEN WAIT. Do not take your life into your own hands. His timing is perfect and those seasons in your life when it seems like all your doing is waiting for an answer, don't lose hope. These are the blank spaces of your life. But in truth they are more important than we can know. They are to prepare, to equip, to strengthen and to draw us closer to Him. To wait on the Lord is to seek Him and yearn for Him. It means to abide in Him and lean only on His understanding. It means to trust.

Don't take these times for granted. Don't waste them. Use them as an opportunity. Fill these blank spaces with a passion to seek God and shine His light to all you meet.

Take heart therefore. Be not anxious or impatient but anticipate the wonderful plans God has for your future. He does have plans for you. Plans He wrote out before you were born. Plans that He is overjoyed to begin in your life. So rejoice! Take joy that you have a promising future with Him.