Hey everyone. Its been so long since I've been on. Happy (belated) New Years! :D
So recently I've had a lot running through my mind and even more filling days. Questions from what I want to achieve in life, to where does God want me and how does he want to use me, to even the basics struggles of learning to step out of my comfort zone and trust God.
For one thing, and maybe to some this isn't a big deal, I just got a baby sitting job for two young boys (a 2 1/2 and 5 year old). At first I was just about freaked out. How in the world do you care for a two year old?! I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this before but I'm the youngest in my family and being around kids was just something I've never really learned; at least not to a comfortable extent.
For the longest amount of time I was literally terrified of them. So long story short, it was a decision I wrestled with daily, changing my mind several times a day, yet eventually giving in and accepting the job. lol. I think I found every excuse in the book to give me doubt before I finally came around looked reality in the face. I'm seventeen and turning eighteen in less than a month! I needed to do this. So now?... I'm on my second week and its amazing! I love it!
Besides that, I'm still playing the piano and learning violin (I mentioned that before right?). Its hard at times but rewarding. In fact, just a few days ago my sister and I booked a day when we would perform (play) at this fundraiser. Nothing big but at least it'll get us out there, and maybe some more opportunities will open up from it (my sister and I are trying to get in the music industry). Now I just gotta get confident with the violin and soon I'll be able to play that too! I sooo can't wait for that day.
God thank you for so many amazing opportunities! Its so great how you work in our lives when we learn to just trust in you. Yeah we may have to step out of our comfort zone but its so worth it.
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