This week my Papa came home from his work in North Dakota. I was overjoyed to see him I almost didn't know what to do with myself. He leaves tomorrow and I won't see him for some time. Isn't it weird how when you know you only have a few short hours left, thats when you don't know how to spend it? I reckon I should finish this later. I have so much to say, including that Skull Church event I attended and so much more. This weeks has been so full of everything, even shopping. =) Well I'll post more tomorrow.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Music Page Update
Check out the music page! Just added a coupla songs. Maybe you heard of them? Comment on your opinion. =)
The push I needed
I forgot to mention this in my last post... Hearing what I did this morning was like an answer to my prayers. So much has been going on in my mind and life recently - some I've previously shared - and just hearing that message today was like a little bit of encouragement. It was the push I needed to seek God and His will for my life. You know, I don't know about you but when God works in such ways as this, it just proves to me He really is listening and cares. =)
Stepping outside our box...
You always hear the saying: Don't put God in a box. It's common and after hearing it enough it starts to go "in one ear and out the other". Today in Church our Pastor read Acts chapter 10. You know the one about the wild and unclean animals being lowered on a sheet from the sky when Peter was on the rooftop praying. God told him to eat of it, but Peter refused. Thrice this happened and every time Peter refused. God explained that what God has made clean is clean.
Shortly after some people called on Peter and requested his presence at another's house - this man was named Cornelius (think thats how you spell it). Anyways there, Peter was told that an angel appeared to this Cornelius guy and told him to beckon Peter and hear all that he had to say of the Lord. But the thing is, this guy was not a Jew and nor were his friends. Rather they were Gentiles and in the Jews' eyes they were unclean. No the moral of the story is not to eat them. Lol but you already no that. The whole moral of the story - what Peter had to realize - is the Gospel was also for the Gentiles and every other tribe of people, not just the Jews. In God's eyes all men are equal and has the chance to the remission of sins and eternal life, should they choose to only believe. See, that day God stretched Peter's ministry. God caused Peter to step outside of the box Peter had built for himself. What Peter would never have considered - sharing with the Gentiles the truth of the Lord - God showed him to be His will and what He was calling Peter to do.
This choice was not easy for Peter, being raised in a family, a culture, a nation! where Non-Jewish people were considered unclean and forever lost. Peter had to make a choice to accept what God was telling him; something that was entirely against what he was raised by. He had to make a choice to step outside of this box of beliefs he had built up for himself. He had to take that step of faith and follow the Lord's leading. See, when you put your self and what you can do for the Lord in a box... you are actually putting God in a box. God cannot use you in the great and mighty ways He has planned for your life if you do not choose to first break down those walls you've built and step outside your comfort zone.
That box for you may be numerous of things. It may be traditions, self-experiences of your past, fear, prejudicness or even the time you are willing to give. God desires to use each of us in mighty ways. Some He has already, other's not so much or not at all, but it starts with our choice to surrender to His will for our life. To let Him lead our life and follow wherever He may take us. It requires us to put our trust in Him even when what He is calling us to do is out of our comfort zone or goes against our grain. If He is calling - if the Lord is calling on you and touching your heart - don't be afraid to step outside and see the plans He has for you. Don't be afraid to break down your box. Don't be afraid to let God out of the box...
Did you know that had Peter not, nor many of the other disciples, chosen to step outside the norm of reality... the box of traditions that their ancestors had built... we would not be where we are today; children of God much less hearing of the love of our Lord. It takes a willing heart to live the life God has called us to live. Are you willing?
Shortly after some people called on Peter and requested his presence at another's house - this man was named Cornelius (think thats how you spell it). Anyways there, Peter was told that an angel appeared to this Cornelius guy and told him to beckon Peter and hear all that he had to say of the Lord. But the thing is, this guy was not a Jew and nor were his friends. Rather they were Gentiles and in the Jews' eyes they were unclean. No the moral of the story is not to eat them. Lol but you already no that. The whole moral of the story - what Peter had to realize - is the Gospel was also for the Gentiles and every other tribe of people, not just the Jews. In God's eyes all men are equal and has the chance to the remission of sins and eternal life, should they choose to only believe. See, that day God stretched Peter's ministry. God caused Peter to step outside of the box Peter had built for himself. What Peter would never have considered - sharing with the Gentiles the truth of the Lord - God showed him to be His will and what He was calling Peter to do.
This choice was not easy for Peter, being raised in a family, a culture, a nation! where Non-Jewish people were considered unclean and forever lost. Peter had to make a choice to accept what God was telling him; something that was entirely against what he was raised by. He had to make a choice to step outside of this box of beliefs he had built up for himself. He had to take that step of faith and follow the Lord's leading. See, when you put your self and what you can do for the Lord in a box... you are actually putting God in a box. God cannot use you in the great and mighty ways He has planned for your life if you do not choose to first break down those walls you've built and step outside your comfort zone.
That box for you may be numerous of things. It may be traditions, self-experiences of your past, fear, prejudicness or even the time you are willing to give. God desires to use each of us in mighty ways. Some He has already, other's not so much or not at all, but it starts with our choice to surrender to His will for our life. To let Him lead our life and follow wherever He may take us. It requires us to put our trust in Him even when what He is calling us to do is out of our comfort zone or goes against our grain. If He is calling - if the Lord is calling on you and touching your heart - don't be afraid to step outside and see the plans He has for you. Don't be afraid to break down your box. Don't be afraid to let God out of the box...
Did you know that had Peter not, nor many of the other disciples, chosen to step outside the norm of reality... the box of traditions that their ancestors had built... we would not be where we are today; children of God much less hearing of the love of our Lord. It takes a willing heart to live the life God has called us to live. Are you willing?
Saturday, September 29, 2012
"Help those who no one else will help..."
Hey everyone! =) Sorry its taken so long to write again. *whew* You probably didn't notice my absence but... anyways... A lot has happened since March 27. Goodness gracious that was a century ago! Lol Well anyhow, my life since then in short, my sister and I have moved out and are living on our own. I've started a job at a preserves place right down town and just a few blocks from where I live. I've neglected writing and music almost altogether and... hmm been dreaming of Mexico. Haha Can't get much more exciting than that can it? jk
Well a lot has been on my mind (other than work and Mexico). For one, I'm trying to figure what the Lord's plan is for my life. To my Pa without question it would writing and music. To others a career in nursing or a classical pianist and violinist. While all of those sound amazing and some I may be a little good at (not the classical part) my heart seems to be continually wandering elsewhere. To a place I'm not even sure. For a long while it has actually, and I've always just ignored it and figured "when the time came". Well... the time is now, isn't it? I mean I'm eighteen going on nineteen and most people my age already know what they want to do with their life. I did too I thought but now I wonder if it's my desire, my Pa's or... God's.
I want what God wants. I just... I'm not sure what that is and how to get to it. Lemme explain a bit. I've always had a passion for helping other people. I don't care in the least how dangerous it is, if the Lord is with me what have I to fear?... except spiders. =P Consider Haiti or the hidden tribes in South America's jungle. The people no one even knows about or doesn't want to know about. The people that are the most needy, and as busy as my life is, I cannot rest until I find them and help them. I'm not educated in medical at all and neither am I the strongest Christian who can heal the sick (tho i do know that with God anything is possible). Point is I'm not special, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to go to the ends of the earth to find these needy people.
A bit ago I prayed to God about this very thing and He answered (no not literally. altho how amazing that would be!) He spoke to my heart. He didn't make everything clear to me what my future was, but I heard Him say this much and since then I can't get these words out of my head: "Be like me. Help those that need me the most. Help those who can't help themselves. Help those who no one else will help."
Well a lot has been on my mind (other than work and Mexico). For one, I'm trying to figure what the Lord's plan is for my life. To my Pa without question it would writing and music. To others a career in nursing or a classical pianist and violinist. While all of those sound amazing and some I may be a little good at (not the classical part) my heart seems to be continually wandering elsewhere. To a place I'm not even sure. For a long while it has actually, and I've always just ignored it and figured "when the time came". Well... the time is now, isn't it? I mean I'm eighteen going on nineteen and most people my age already know what they want to do with their life. I did too I thought but now I wonder if it's my desire, my Pa's or... God's.
I want what God wants. I just... I'm not sure what that is and how to get to it. Lemme explain a bit. I've always had a passion for helping other people. I don't care in the least how dangerous it is, if the Lord is with me what have I to fear?... except spiders. =P Consider Haiti or the hidden tribes in South America's jungle. The people no one even knows about or doesn't want to know about. The people that are the most needy, and as busy as my life is, I cannot rest until I find them and help them. I'm not educated in medical at all and neither am I the strongest Christian who can heal the sick (tho i do know that with God anything is possible). Point is I'm not special, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to go to the ends of the earth to find these needy people.
A bit ago I prayed to God about this very thing and He answered (no not literally. altho how amazing that would be!) He spoke to my heart. He didn't make everything clear to me what my future was, but I heard Him say this much and since then I can't get these words out of my head: "Be like me. Help those that need me the most. Help those who can't help themselves. Help those who no one else will help."
God's Work in My Life,
Sharing the Faith,
What God sees
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Living it Out
Do our actions match what we proclaim? We sometimes say one thing but end up doing another? Maybe all the time?
Being a Christian is not an easy task. Many times the grass does seem more greener on the other side. Thats when we look to Jesus. We didn't choose this path with Christ for benefits here on earth. We didn't make that commitment to make life easier and more pleasurable here in this world. We did it for a higher reason. We did it for the future of our souls and for the joy and peace that we can expect there in our home in Heaven
So then why can't we skip this life on earth and just jump to Heaven? Chances are you already know this answer. Everybody's heard it and every body talks about it. But if we really understood the reason of our existence on this earth - to the share the Gospel - then why aren't we stepping up and doing it?
Yes, we may do something here or there. Yes we may say "God loves you" once, twice or even a dozen times a week, but there's more we can do then just saying it. We can act it. If we really believed God loved the world, then would we even hesitate to love our enemy? If we really believed God had the power to perform miracles, then wouldn't we be laying hands on the sick? If we really believed that God was coming back soon and that there was no time to lose, then wouldn't we be sharing the Gospel even as I am writing?
I'm not saying I'm perfect. This is something I have to tell myself everyday. I fail and I doubt and I laze around the house doing nothing all too often. But God is calling us, this generation, us youth, to rise up and lift our voices. He is calling us to be laborers in His fields and plant the seeds and water the soil.
Sitting in the church pews being fed by God's powerful Word and worshiping Him with other Christians is all good and well. I'm not saying you can't be fed and uplifted too, but during those other six days of the week it is important to bring the Gospel to the world. We are uplifted so that we might uplift others. We are fed and strengthened so that, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we might help strengthen and encourage others.
You can do it at your school, job or even on the streets of your city. You don't have to be talented or have lots of money. But you do have to have a willing heart and yielding spirit. And remember, sometimes actions do mean more than words. So remain strong in your faith, always drawing closer to God and letting His light shine in you, because if we took the time to remember why we are here on this earth... then we would realize it is for such a purpose as to be those laborers in the Harvest.
"...The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."
Luke 10:2 (KJV)
Will you be a laborer for Jesus?
God's Work in My Life,
Sharing the Faith
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
When Everthing Falls Apart...
A while back, some years ago, a friend of mine showed me the song when I was having a real hard time. The song spoke to my heart and ever since then has been a favorite. I guess you might say, thru those words and thru that simple melody, God really reached me. Just being reminded that everything was gonna be OK and that He would be there comforted me.
See, you might say I've had a pretty dramatic life. LOL. And I'm not complaining but some days can get pretty tough. I used to worry and fret over everything. Even the simplest of things, but I don't anymore because I know that with God I can be at peace, knowing that everything is in His hands. He WILL carry me and in Him I can withstand anything because it is through Him that my weakness is made strong. Instead of fretting over how everything will work out, I now rest in my Father's arms in peace as I watch Him move mountains and wrought miracles in my life. What do I have to fear when I rest in the shadow of the Almighty?
God's Work in My Life,
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Music - A gift from God
Hey guys,
If you're listening then I have something BIG to tell you. Ready for it? Here it is: Music is amazing!! =P My sister is flipping through songs on my IPod right now and I don't know, for some reason music can just sooth ya and calm ya. It can excite you too or sadden you. Honestly, if you really think about it, music can really shape a lot of your emotions.
But the important thing here isn't that music is so powerful and how it plays in our emotions, but that music is a gift from God and that if used for His glory it can move mountains and aid in healing the most wounded and broken soul. It can bridge any gap and bring so many diverse people together. Does that make sense? I mean, even if somebody is singing in a different language that you can't understand, when you're worshipping God it doesn't matter. You can still fall into the heart of worship, you can still glorify God and through it you can still be part of praising our Creator.
When my family was down in Mexico for four years... we got to see a lot of diverse people. This may sound strange, but there was even clans of German and Korean groups there. Yeah. Pretty interesting huh? Not to mention the growing population of Americans.
The thing is, when we first arrived we didn't know any Spanish save some basic words like: "Taco" and "Bano" (bathroom). LOL. So when we attended church service, yes sometimes people translated, but a lot of times we were left to sit there and listen completely confused. But thats the thing! Christ, even though we couldn't understand them, brought us together as one family and one people. We were still fed by God's Word. We were still lifted up and drawn closer to Him... and the worship (this is where music plays in). We were still praising God with one voice and one heart united for Jesus.
Have you ever attended a service in a language you did not understand? Have you ever worshipped in a congregation with people who spoke a different dialect? Somehow the music bridges the gap between the languages. It doesn't matter any more if you don't understand every word or even that you can't sing it. As long as it's for the glory of God, you can still lift your hands in praise and bask in the presence of God. Music. It can make you cry, laugh, jump and dance.
It is a gift from God that goes beyond words; and when your heart can't express its deepest feelings and burdens and thoughts through words... it can through music. :) What would our world be without music?!
So next time a melody drifts to your ears, think of God and thank Him for that simple yet amazing gift from Him. Then lift your own voice and praise Him and play your instruments, because He gifted you with that as well to glorify Him.
If you're listening then I have something BIG to tell you. Ready for it? Here it is: Music is amazing!! =P My sister is flipping through songs on my IPod right now and I don't know, for some reason music can just sooth ya and calm ya. It can excite you too or sadden you. Honestly, if you really think about it, music can really shape a lot of your emotions.
But the important thing here isn't that music is so powerful and how it plays in our emotions, but that music is a gift from God and that if used for His glory it can move mountains and aid in healing the most wounded and broken soul. It can bridge any gap and bring so many diverse people together. Does that make sense? I mean, even if somebody is singing in a different language that you can't understand, when you're worshipping God it doesn't matter. You can still fall into the heart of worship, you can still glorify God and through it you can still be part of praising our Creator.
When my family was down in Mexico for four years... we got to see a lot of diverse people. This may sound strange, but there was even clans of German and Korean groups there. Yeah. Pretty interesting huh? Not to mention the growing population of Americans.
The thing is, when we first arrived we didn't know any Spanish save some basic words like: "Taco" and "Bano" (bathroom). LOL. So when we attended church service, yes sometimes people translated, but a lot of times we were left to sit there and listen completely confused. But thats the thing! Christ, even though we couldn't understand them, brought us together as one family and one people. We were still fed by God's Word. We were still lifted up and drawn closer to Him... and the worship (this is where music plays in). We were still praising God with one voice and one heart united for Jesus.
Have you ever attended a service in a language you did not understand? Have you ever worshipped in a congregation with people who spoke a different dialect? Somehow the music bridges the gap between the languages. It doesn't matter any more if you don't understand every word or even that you can't sing it. As long as it's for the glory of God, you can still lift your hands in praise and bask in the presence of God. Music. It can make you cry, laugh, jump and dance.
It is a gift from God that goes beyond words; and when your heart can't express its deepest feelings and burdens and thoughts through words... it can through music. :) What would our world be without music?!
So next time a melody drifts to your ears, think of God and thank Him for that simple yet amazing gift from Him. Then lift your own voice and praise Him and play your instruments, because He gifted you with that as well to glorify Him.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Love, love love love *sigh* I'm in Love!
I'm in love with someone... lifeguard, doctor and a great speaker (not to mention the richest ever and sooo many other things. I could never write them all down.) He wrote this one book that is so famous (in fact thats how I got to know him) and I found out that he's always loved me and even sacrificed his life for me years before I even knew him!
He promised he'd never leave me and that he would always be there to talk when I needed to. He's the best listener in the world! He gives the best advice. It's funny cause I still haven't figured out how he can tell the future, but because of it he can tell me what roads in life I should take and which ones are too dangerous; and when the roads are rocky and steep, he's always there to carry me. He wants the best for me and promised he would give me a spring of unending love, joy and peace!
Am I lucky or what? But there's more... He told me He's in love with you too.
He promised he'd never leave me and that he would always be there to talk when I needed to. He's the best listener in the world! He gives the best advice. It's funny cause I still haven't figured out how he can tell the future, but because of it he can tell me what roads in life I should take and which ones are too dangerous; and when the roads are rocky and steep, he's always there to carry me. He wants the best for me and promised he would give me a spring of unending love, joy and peace!
Am I lucky or what? But there's more... He told me He's in love with you too.
Monday, March 5, 2012
He took our place
So this is something I wrote some years ago. Maybe three. I don't remember. It's definitely not perfect as poems are not something I'm gifted at, but every once in a while an idea for one will come to my mind and it will press on my heart so much that I'll just have to write about it. Anyways, so here's one. You're welcome to critique and give me some pointers. I don't mind, in fact I'd appreciate it. Or if you just want to comment, well I'm certainly not forbidding you. lol. :) I'd appreciate that too.
He was wounded, stricken, beaten
He was clothed with disgrace
Let His glory fade to dust
When He came to take our place
He had come from His throne
As a mighty King that day
To a people with no heart
When He came to take our place
Like a servant did He serve
To the ones He had made
Like a lamb sacrificed
When He came to take our place
Though the King of the earth
With all power, glory, grace
He had pity on our souls
When He came to take our place
To die in our place for the death we deserved
To hang on our wooden cross
To carry our sin and shoulder our wrong
To take the place of us all
Our King took the place of us all...
*Copyrighted by Simplicity
*Copyrighted by Simplicity
Sunday, March 4, 2012
For He sees us...
"JUDGE me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity..." Integrity. How many of us can claim we have it? How many of us can claim we have it continually? How many of us can bravely and sincerely say, "Judge me, oh Lord"? The Scripture goes on to say, "Examine me, prove me, try my reins and heart." If the Lord were to search your heart right now, what would He find? Do you wince as you wonder? Do you hesitate to imagine what He would think? Or could you come bravely before Him and let Him search your heart, knowing you have walked justly in His ways? The truth is, He IS searching your heart, mind and soul even now.
It's not to say we won't be making mistakes - after all we are just human - but that we will continually seek the Lord and live after Him with a full heart and complete integrity and truth. That is how we ought to live. No we are not perfect, and yes we will stumble at times, but every day we should be growing more and more to be like Jesus; to live like Jesus; to speak and walk in God's ways like Jesus.
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth..."
II Chronicles 16:9a KJV
"I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
Jeremiah 17:10 KJV
It's not to say we won't be making mistakes - after all we are just human - but that we will continually seek the Lord and live after Him with a full heart and complete integrity and truth. That is how we ought to live. No we are not perfect, and yes we will stumble at times, but every day we should be growing more and more to be like Jesus; to live like Jesus; to speak and walk in God's ways like Jesus.
"JUDGE me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide.
"Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.
"For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth."
Psalms 26:1-3 KJV
"I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
Jeremiah 17:10 KJV
Friday, March 2, 2012
Why we worship
(Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for not posting or being on for so long. In short my life has been busy. :) So the other day I found this stuffed in a bunch of worship songs in my music binder. I revised it a tad but it's pretty much exactly the same. So... here it is.)
"The biggest thing for us as worshippers is to reflect
the glory of the Lord in our lives. But instead of recieving that glory unto
ourselves we need to deflect it towards God, the only One who is worthy of all glory.
This is the natural response of true worship.
"Satan saw the glory of the Lord upon himself, when he
was still an angel of God, but rather than deflecting it toward God as he ought, Satan instead accepted the glory unto himself and began worshipping that glory
in him; making himself equal with God. It is very important that we do not
follow in those same footsteps. God alone is worthy to recieve all the glory.
"So when the Spirit of the Lord is seen in our lives
and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are apparent, let us remember: It was not our
hands and feet that were nailed to the cross, it was not our flesh that was
crushed for sinful man, it was not our brow which thorns were pressed upon, it
was not our love for mankind which led us to Calvary. It was JESUS, He alone is
worthy! It is by Him, for Him, and to Him that we reflect God's glory. Let us
adamantly and zealously give Him all praise. We are not here to please men but
God, who tests and knows our hearts. This is the standard by which we must lead
A church worship leader of the church I attend said this
once. I don't know if it is his own words or a quote from another. Like I said, I revised it
only a little for better clarity but other than that I've really tried to keep
it exactly how he said it. It's powerful!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Oh my goodness! I almost forgot:
Happy Valentines Day!! May God bless ya abundantly. And even if you don't have a special person to spend it with, even if you just lost someone and feel alone, know that Jesus loves you and He will always be there for you. He will never forsake you and always will He be there to dry you tears and carry you. Celebrate! Jesus is in love with you! :)
He is shaping our tomorrow...
So over the past week or so, instead of spending my time dragging my feet wishing I could do something more, I've come to give it to God and just let Him lead in my life (no matter how impatient I get). Lord please help me. Give me the patience.
There must be a reason why the Lord hasn't fully made clear His calling in my life. I know that it must have something to do with music and writing but looking deeper into those two I find that there are innumerable things you can do with them. (For example, a life pursuing music can be as varied as becoming a conductor of an international orchestra to joining a local rock band, etc). I don't know exactly how He wants to use me even though I've known the basic idea for a while.
As some of you know - I am a very impatient girl, thus my dilemma of wanting to do something now - but recently the idea that I am not yet ready has come to me; that suppose God is still preparing me for 'my life calling' even as I wait on Him. I know that God's timing is perfect and if He has not made clear unto me His plans for my life, than suppose I am not even ready to hear them. Suppose I am to rather take one day at a time - each day unfolding unto me as it comes - and trusting instead in the Lord fully who will unravel His plans for my life as He sees fit. Suppose even, our ignorance of the future is a blessing in disguise that protects us from unnecessary fear. For one thing, had I known beforehand all that I was to do already in my life (two years in the remote places of Alaska, four years in Mexico and something over a year in Canada) I'm not so sure I would have had been so eager to follow His leading.
I really believe that part of having a personal relationship with Jesus is just learning to trust in Him and - even though we may be blind to the events of even tomorrow - we can rest at peace knowing that everything is in our God's control. Nothing takes place without His knowledge and even a tragedy can He turn into good. The Lord is shaping our tomorrows and if we but let Him, He will create it into a beautiful masterpiece. So in short, thats what I'm letting Him do.
You have the reins Lord. Take the wheel of my life Jesus and shape the clay of my tomorrow into the plans you desire for me. Mold me into the vessel you want me to be. Teach me you will and give me the strength and I will live in it. In Jesus' name. Amen.
There must be a reason why the Lord hasn't fully made clear His calling in my life. I know that it must have something to do with music and writing but looking deeper into those two I find that there are innumerable things you can do with them. (For example, a life pursuing music can be as varied as becoming a conductor of an international orchestra to joining a local rock band, etc). I don't know exactly how He wants to use me even though I've known the basic idea for a while.
As some of you know - I am a very impatient girl, thus my dilemma of wanting to do something now - but recently the idea that I am not yet ready has come to me; that suppose God is still preparing me for 'my life calling' even as I wait on Him. I know that God's timing is perfect and if He has not made clear unto me His plans for my life, than suppose I am not even ready to hear them. Suppose I am to rather take one day at a time - each day unfolding unto me as it comes - and trusting instead in the Lord fully who will unravel His plans for my life as He sees fit. Suppose even, our ignorance of the future is a blessing in disguise that protects us from unnecessary fear. For one thing, had I known beforehand all that I was to do already in my life (two years in the remote places of Alaska, four years in Mexico and something over a year in Canada) I'm not so sure I would have had been so eager to follow His leading.
I really believe that part of having a personal relationship with Jesus is just learning to trust in Him and - even though we may be blind to the events of even tomorrow - we can rest at peace knowing that everything is in our God's control. Nothing takes place without His knowledge and even a tragedy can He turn into good. The Lord is shaping our tomorrows and if we but let Him, He will create it into a beautiful masterpiece. So in short, thats what I'm letting Him do.
You have the reins Lord. Take the wheel of my life Jesus and shape the clay of my tomorrow into the plans you desire for me. Mold me into the vessel you want me to be. Teach me you will and give me the strength and I will live in it. In Jesus' name. Amen.
God's Work in My Life,
Saturday, February 11, 2012
When the Stars Burn Down
"When the stars burn down and the earth wears out and we stand before the throne, with the witnesses who have gone before we will rise and all applaud
"Singing blessing and honor, glory and power forever to our God. Singing blessing and honor, glory and power forever to our God.
"When the hands of time wind fully down and the earth is rolled up like a scroll, the trumpets will call and the world will fall to its knees as we go home.
"Singing blessing and honor, glory and power forever to our God. Singing blessing and honor, glory and power forever to our God."
In Christ, we have something to look forward to. (song by Philips, Craig & Dean - When the Stars Burn Down)
Only somebody like me would be so forgetful...
So I was heating up a pot of tomato soup - mmmm delicious eh? - and I sort of got distracted with (trying to figure out what to post BTW) when I heard this horrendous roar of over boiling soup. Tomato soup of all things. And the thing is we have this electric burner that doesn't cool as soon as you shut it off so in addition to it all I can't clean it up right away. So here I write this blog as the burner licks up thick tasty soup and turns it into cement on the stove. What great fun when I get to try scrubbing it all off, eh? lol. You gotta love being a terrible cook. :P
Thursday, February 9, 2012
What does God have in store for me?
Hey again!
Middle of the week and I'm relaxing in my Montana home, watching the snow fall outside. Fact is, I'm taking advantage of the fact that I don't have to work today till 6 p.m. lol And it really does pay off to finish high school early. Never again will I have headaches because of it.
So already my week has been a blast. Hard times yes, but great times too as I find myself growing in Christ in seemingly leaps and bounds (I just pray I take that head knowledge and sink it in my heart and that there it will remain forever).
Honestly, this week I have learned so much as God has opened my eyes to new perspectives of the same basic teachings. Its like I'm learning everything afresh all over again. And think of this, is it just coincidence that I have heard this one particular message being preached at least three times this week and am filled with these songs and verses that say the same thing? "Take that step of faith and answer to the calling that God has appointed you. 'Do not be afraid for I am with you'".
I'm not sure if I've shared this or not, but recently I have been struggling and searching for what God wants me to do with my life. "What does God have in store for me? What calling is He appointing me to do? When can I start this 'quest'? Where am I to start?" I'm so anxious to do something for the Lord that I find myself not satisfied with normal life. I'm tired of waiting and I want to take action. Only, does God want me to take action now? Do I still need to prepare? Am I ready for the tasks He has called for me? I want my life to be completely surrendered to God, Him leading my every move, and yet even as I say that I wonder how many times I've left God out in important decisions in my life.
Its so easy to take your life in your own hands. You naturally think it must be God's will because it sounds so good and it seems like the right thing to do. But is it really? What if you find that because you took that certain job or made that particular decision that now you missed out on the opportunity that God originally called you for? That is what I'm scared of.
So anyways, in a nutshell, thats been my prayer and struggle for the past month. What does God have in store for me? I don't want to wait anymore. I want to go out and do something. Yet how do I go about it? I want His will in my life but where am I to take the first step? When will be the day that I hear Him say, "Now is the time."?
You know, thinking back on when my family was in full time ministry it seemed life was a lot easier. I mean course we had our ups and downs - trials and hardship never seemed to cease - but somewhere I found this amazing peace and joy and fullness that surpassed all that. Life had so much more meaning and now that I am living a normal life there's something of that goodness that I no longer feel. Does that make sense?
"Serving others is like blessing yourself". You mean to bless others but instead you find yourself being blessed in return. And yet its not just all about receiving the blessings, but about knowing that your life is not being wasted by sitting in front of a TV eating potato chips. (lol. no offense to anyone).
You find that precious time isn't spilled over senseless issues when you serve God and live for the Greater Calling. Seriously, your life really does take on a different meaning when you live for Christ and that fullness - that joy of knowing you are spreading the love and Gospel of Christ - that is really what I miss. Thats why I am so anxious to "get back to working again" and serving God. Thats why I desire to be delving into His will, full-throttle and sold out, as I fulfill His calling for my life. I want to live for nothing else.
"Lord, I pray thee, show me Thy will for my life. Make it clear unto me and give me the strength to take those steps towards Your will. Give me discernment and give me patience. Let Thine will be done, as in Heaven so on Earth. In Jesus' name. Amen."
God's Work in My Life,
Sharing the Faith
Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Next New York Times Bestseller!!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Engine Problems... ughhh
So my sister and I were trying to pass this other vehicle on a one lane road a few days ago and slid into a ditch thick with at least a foot of snow. ughh. We got out of it easy enough, sort of, but now a few days later we find our truck is having serious problems. Its an older Toyota but in great condition (was at least) and was a Christmas present from our father. Its seriously worth at least $5,000, which makes us feel that more worse. Its makes this terrible knocking noise that sounds like the engines about to fall from under and smokes even a little. I feel so bad. =S
"Lord please help us. Help the truck. Its like our only transportation to work, but above all let your will be done. In Jesus' Name."
Its with things like this that forces ya to really rely on God and put your trust in Him. Tomorrow can be so unpredictable, soooooo unpredictable. What better to live our lives than trusting in the One - the only one - who knows what tomorrow will bring?
"Lord please help us. Help the truck. Its like our only transportation to work, but above all let your will be done. In Jesus' Name."
Its with things like this that forces ya to really rely on God and put your trust in Him. Tomorrow can be so unpredictable, soooooo unpredictable. What better to live our lives than trusting in the One - the only one - who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Life Update
Winter in Montana can get so confusing. Its like the world can't decide on how a typical Winter season should be. Somedays its snowing like a blizzard, the drifts piling up six feet high, and on others days the clouds are pouring rain, flooding the fields. The latter is unfortunately most common. Its like Montana has shifted to the weather patterns of Oregon.
lol news of the weather most likely doesn't sound interesting. Let me switch it up. I was raised in Montana, moved to Alaska for two years, then Canada and finally Mexico for four years. My life has been ministry and helping the poor since I was nine. I've loved the life and now here I am back in Montana actually experiencing what its like to lead a normal life. Its nice but I get so restless. I'm so used to traveling most every two years that it feels weird to even just be staying in the same house so long.
Now I'm getting anxious to make a trip across seas to some place like Haiti. Imagine helping the poorest the of the poor. Feeding the orphans and even aiding in the Red Cross medical team. A place like Haiti that just got devastated, a place already suffering and struggling, to be knocked down and their little strength crippled just kills me. I know I could never help everyone but even just that one small child who lost his parents or that widowed mother with her babe penniless and hungry, or the stranger living on the street recently crippled by the catastrophe.
Maybe not now but one day I will go and do my share. Maybe not there but someplace I will reach out and stand in the middle of it all and share the Lord's love, facing death in its face and helping those struggling to survive. God loves them too and just because we're so far removed, in a country wealthy and prosperous, doesn't mean they don't need our help. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean their sufferings don't exist.
Imagine living on hope, witnessing pain and death, and struggling just to survive the next day. One day... if its not tomorrow.
lol news of the weather most likely doesn't sound interesting. Let me switch it up. I was raised in Montana, moved to Alaska for two years, then Canada and finally Mexico for four years. My life has been ministry and helping the poor since I was nine. I've loved the life and now here I am back in Montana actually experiencing what its like to lead a normal life. Its nice but I get so restless. I'm so used to traveling most every two years that it feels weird to even just be staying in the same house so long.
Now I'm getting anxious to make a trip across seas to some place like Haiti. Imagine helping the poorest the of the poor. Feeding the orphans and even aiding in the Red Cross medical team. A place like Haiti that just got devastated, a place already suffering and struggling, to be knocked down and their little strength crippled just kills me. I know I could never help everyone but even just that one small child who lost his parents or that widowed mother with her babe penniless and hungry, or the stranger living on the street recently crippled by the catastrophe.
Maybe not now but one day I will go and do my share. Maybe not there but someplace I will reach out and stand in the middle of it all and share the Lord's love, facing death in its face and helping those struggling to survive. God loves them too and just because we're so far removed, in a country wealthy and prosperous, doesn't mean they don't need our help. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean their sufferings don't exist.
Imagine living on hope, witnessing pain and death, and struggling just to survive the next day. One day... if its not tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
His hand in my life... stretching the clay
Hey everyone. Its been so long since I've been on. Happy (belated) New Years! :D
So recently I've had a lot running through my mind and even more filling days. Questions from what I want to achieve in life, to where does God want me and how does he want to use me, to even the basics struggles of learning to step out of my comfort zone and trust God.
For one thing, and maybe to some this isn't a big deal, I just got a baby sitting job for two young boys (a 2 1/2 and 5 year old). At first I was just about freaked out. How in the world do you care for a two year old?! I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this before but I'm the youngest in my family and being around kids was just something I've never really learned; at least not to a comfortable extent.
For the longest amount of time I was literally terrified of them. So long story short, it was a decision I wrestled with daily, changing my mind several times a day, yet eventually giving in and accepting the job. lol. I think I found every excuse in the book to give me doubt before I finally came around looked reality in the face. I'm seventeen and turning eighteen in less than a month! I needed to do this. So now?... I'm on my second week and its amazing! I love it!
Besides that, I'm still playing the piano and learning violin (I mentioned that before right?). Its hard at times but rewarding. In fact, just a few days ago my sister and I booked a day when we would perform (play) at this fundraiser. Nothing big but at least it'll get us out there, and maybe some more opportunities will open up from it (my sister and I are trying to get in the music industry). Now I just gotta get confident with the violin and soon I'll be able to play that too! I sooo can't wait for that day.
God thank you for so many amazing opportunities! Its so great how you work in our lives when we learn to just trust in you. Yeah we may have to step out of our comfort zone but its so worth it.
So recently I've had a lot running through my mind and even more filling days. Questions from what I want to achieve in life, to where does God want me and how does he want to use me, to even the basics struggles of learning to step out of my comfort zone and trust God.
For one thing, and maybe to some this isn't a big deal, I just got a baby sitting job for two young boys (a 2 1/2 and 5 year old). At first I was just about freaked out. How in the world do you care for a two year old?! I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this before but I'm the youngest in my family and being around kids was just something I've never really learned; at least not to a comfortable extent.
For the longest amount of time I was literally terrified of them. So long story short, it was a decision I wrestled with daily, changing my mind several times a day, yet eventually giving in and accepting the job. lol. I think I found every excuse in the book to give me doubt before I finally came around looked reality in the face. I'm seventeen and turning eighteen in less than a month! I needed to do this. So now?... I'm on my second week and its amazing! I love it!
Besides that, I'm still playing the piano and learning violin (I mentioned that before right?). Its hard at times but rewarding. In fact, just a few days ago my sister and I booked a day when we would perform (play) at this fundraiser. Nothing big but at least it'll get us out there, and maybe some more opportunities will open up from it (my sister and I are trying to get in the music industry). Now I just gotta get confident with the violin and soon I'll be able to play that too! I sooo can't wait for that day.
God thank you for so many amazing opportunities! Its so great how you work in our lives when we learn to just trust in you. Yeah we may have to step out of our comfort zone but its so worth it.
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