God give me the strength to be an example to this generation. To keep the flame within me illuminating. Teach me understanding, patience, and compassion. Gird me with courage, and to be an inspiration. Help my ears to listen, my eyes to see, my heart open. Pour into me Your love that I might share it. Help me to comfort those who are broken. Help me to stand up for those forgotten. Help me be the voice for the voiceless.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
God give me the strength to be an example to this generation. To keep the flame within me illuminating. Teach me understanding, patience, and compassion. Gird me with courage, and to be an inspiration. Help my ears to listen, my eyes to see, my heart open. Pour into me Your love that I might share it. Help me to comfort those who are broken. Help me to stand up for those forgotten. Help me be the voice for the voiceless.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
I had a dream
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Sharing His love
I have been praying on whether or not to adopt another child. Knowing that you are giving hope to a child (or family) in need is so rewarding. No doubt I do want to continue to donate in some way or another. I started reading up on the internet of other ministries. I looked through the EurasiaCommunity website. I went to the MSF Doctors Without Borders website. I started thinking that perhaps instead of giving a huge chunk of money to one organization, maybe I should disperse it among a few.

I had a dream a few weeks ago - I won't go into it now, but it was incredible and I will post it soon - about the Lord telling me to share His testimony to the world, and share His love. I plan to do just that.
If but the world could see His love! His love is more than anyone of us can imagine. When people say that God is love, they have noo idea how true that is! I caught a glimpse of just how big His love is, but it was for only a second. For anyone out there who is struggling and feels all alone, take heart! I have been there, and Someone cares! Someone hears your prayers. His name is Jesus, and He loves you beyond your wildest dreams.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
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Eurasia consist of averagely 2.3 billion people, with 1.88 billion of them unreached by the Gospel. Christianity is not tolerable in many of these countries, but the Lord has been doing a great work.
I am reminded once again of the calling that the Lord has placed on all of our hearts: to preach the Gospel to the corners of the world. There is no place where it should not be heard. I know one day I will be over there in other countries, but for now I am here burying my nose in books at the college.
How I wish I could join our brothers and sisters across seas! How I wish I didn't have to wait and go to school! I know that God's timing is perfect, and in His will I vow to walk. Yet still I cannot say it is easy. He is teaching me patience.
I hung the map in my room last night, right where I could see it. I have been reading about Eurasia for quite sometime today, and every hour the restlessness within me increases. I am not restless only, but inspired. I am inspired to dare to step into the world unknown, beyond my borders, beyond the safety of home. I am challenged to reach into the darkest places of the world, but until then, I anxiously wait for the Lord to say to me "go".
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Suicidal Deer
I am reminded of my first semester of college and how scary yet exciting it was. One class in particular - public speaking - I was terrified to take. Yet in the end it was truly one of my favorites. Here is just one of the many speeches I had to give.
It's 8:00 at night and the moon starts to rise just above the tree line. It's Christmas Eve and anxiously Billy heads home to his family. Over the frozen pavement his headlights beam, showing him the way. Intently he watches for black ice.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Bias in the News
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Ebola Outbreak
Hearing about such outbreaks makes me want to join Doctors Without Borders even more so. I am stirred to continue to pursue my education in nursing. One day it will be me out there. One day... Until then I keep them in prayers, learning as much as I can about such illnesses.
Is it odd I find plagues and the like so fascinating? It baffles me how such little organisms can end the life of not just one person, but up to thousands and beyond. It makes me want to go out and fight alongside the Doctors Without Borders team.
I copied a link below that explains more about what is going on in Africa. Will you join me in prayer for those inflicted and those who are there serving?
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Since Mexico, I have struggled to live a routine life. I am not used to planning months into my future. I am restless. I am reminded of those still suffering, those still hungry. I know I am preparing myself for eventually going across seas, and serving in the medical field, but I grow anxious to help and do something now. I'm afraid to step out on my own, but I am more afraid of doing nothing. I must do something.
The world can't wait for us to be good and ready. Everyday, everyone is one more day closer to death. Everyday, is one day closer to Christ's coming. And though we look forward to that day with exceeding joy, there are still those who have not heard of the Gospel. How can we sit idly by knowing the lost walk among us?
Yes, one can reach out in ministry to the local communities. Yes. There are ministry opportunities left and right, right here in Montana. But what about those beyond our borders? What about those forgotten? They are dismissed too often with the excuse that another will reach out to them. There are the few that do. Why can't I be that person? God has given me this restlessness for a reason.
I vow to go where the Lord leadeth, but I pray He leadeth me to venture beyond my borders.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
End of the World?
I noticed that on Al Gore's YouTube channel he had made a video called How It All Ends: God's Will. He pointed out a very thoughtful idea when comparing global catastrophe to a small river with a pipe line installed upstream. Indeed it poses many questions that got me wondering. The answer that the Christian lady he had interviewed gave, was that global warming was far too big, and that it was out of our hands. Please understand that God does not literally MAKE these tragedies to happen. He ALLOWS them. Which for many might sound like the same thing if the Lord truly is all powerful, and is always in control.
It comes down to the fact that, putting God aside, we are currently making choices in today's society that WILL have negative consequences. The world is indeed being trashed as harmful chemicals and toxins are being released into the air daily. We take for granted this world that we live in, and its abundance of resources. I mean just think, it's been able to sustain life for thousand of years! Truly such longevity of this earth is a miracle. But we will have to eventually face the consequences of our actions. God doesn't cause such catastrophes to happen, He allows them to happen. He doesn't stop them, or at least not all of them.
Eventually there will come an end to this world. I believe it because that is what the Bible says and, heck call me a Bible thumper but, I would rather put my trust in the God who created this world than the people in it who are still arguing over whether or not pollution is something we should be worrying about.
No man, woman or child can ever know exactly how or when this earth will come to nought. That's why its so important to put our trust in God. People keep thinking they can outwit Him and figure out a solution on there own, but in a sense that lady was right: when it comes to a global sense, it is out of our hands. We can do our best to make small changes, and perhaps slow down the deterioration of the earth, but it is still bound to come to an end. Just as people cannot live forever, neither can the earth.
I wrote this for my sociology class at the local community college. Often what they teach in class is far different than what I believe. It comes to a balance of how to get your point across with love and kindness, just as Christ would have done. To know the time and place to speak up for my Faith is something I am still learning.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
I watched this for sociology this week. It talks about how the present education system is effecting the future generations. Very interesting. I recommend watching it. In truth, it is a shame more people are not willing to stand out and be different. The Lord gave us an imagination, to invent, create and portray originality. Why not use it!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
God is GOOD
In addition, I received an award letter from a scholarship. It truly came just in time, for my bills was going to be cutting into the negative. With that scholarship I have less then fifty dollars to pay for tuition this semester. See, God does come through when we take that leap of faith, and choose to follow Him.
It is through the times of testing and trials where we see His power the most. When we choose to let go, it is then He can move mountains in our lives. When we give Him the wheel, like that one song by Carrie Underwood, it is then that He will take control and show us the way. We can rest assured that under His wings we shall never be desolate. Take heart and never give up, for in the footsteps of the Almighty will we find victory. God IS good!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Behind the scenes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Instagram anyone?
Im not sure how many of you have Instagram, but if so would you be interested in checking out my page? Simplicity720 is my username. Thanks in advance! Let me know that you read this post and I'll follow you too. =) God bless!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
To trust
I want to seek Him more. I want to worship Him more. I want to put Him in the forefront of my daily life. I want to trust Him more. I want to have no fear or worry.
I recall asking Him to teach me patience, and give me more faith. Well, we all know that God does not just GIVE us those things. He puts us in situations that will cause us to exercise those things, and ultimately strengthening us. Thus perhaps my car dilemma - the fact that I always tend to break down right in the middle of the road during rush hour - is but a small way in which He has given me an opportunity to have more faith and patience.
I admit, I have not always been strong, but God is faithful and ever gracious. I know that I can hope in Him even when I cannot see the hope of tomorrow. You would think I would have learned that by now, but alas, I find that I have not. In truth, it is through the tragedies and hardship when I see His face. For He makes Himself known to me in the deepest valleys, when I am at my lowest. When I am the weakest, THAT is when I see He is the strongest.
With this renewed hope, I know I can rejoice in the face of danger and misfortune. I can rejoice because even in the darkest of times God is in control. Gloria a Dios!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
His name is Shishir
A man came and spoke in our church at the beginning of this year, and seeing those pictures and videos did something to me. In short, I was moved to do something. To make a difference. It is yes but one life, and such a life of but one small child. But it is one child that can be saved from poverty, and from hunger. It is one little boy who can now live and pursue his dreams. His dream is to become a doctor. His name is Shishir, and I think he is changing me more so than I him. Isn't it funny how that seems to work?
Sunday, January 26, 2014
In Waiting
After today I am convinced more than ever that the Lord wants me to go across seas. Its odd that even when the Sunday sermons have nothing to do with ministry, I still find myself somehow thinking about it. One day, if only the time was sooner. But in anticipation I wait for the Lord's leading. Until then, may I seek to grow closer to Him, and prepare for that which awaits me.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Let us Love
Falsley Credited to Evolution
I started school Wednesday. Attending the local community college. In truth I love it, except how much they taught evolution. It's especially emphasized in Biology.
There we sit, a book of wonderous things of our world, so delicate yet complex beyond our comprehension, entirely insync and beautiful, and its polluted by "this is the world a billion years ago". "When we came from animals", thats when we lost our mind. No offense, but I don't see how someone can study or even teach science and truly believe there is no God.
They say by natural selection we were evolved into better creatures. Natural selection? Well let me ask you, who did the selecting? SomeBODY someTHING had to have the brains, the conscious mind, the ability to make a decision, in order for us to be chosen. Also, a cell can reproduce indeed, cloning an exact copy of itself. But it cannot create another cell with a different set of DNA or genomes. If the world was really made from a single living organism, a cell, then the world must really be a clump of pudding. Cuz we would literally have to be the EXACT same thing as our "parents".
We aren't however. That is quite obvious. The universe is a complex creation, each species unique with special abilities and gifts. We are the workmanship of a God. We were - human beings - purposefully made, not the biproduct of a world that struggled to form order. When man was created, it was created. Just like that. We were never evolved. Why then do people insist we are existent by sole chance? Do they truly desire to have no meaning to their lives?
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Bound to be Free
Check out this blog! Written by a friend of mine, a sister of mine. Truly uplifting, inspiring, original and beautiful. Love ya Anna! "Set Free to Fly" http://annamangialardo.blogspot.com/2013/12/set-free-to-fly_9149.html
Friday, January 10, 2014
God's Language
What do you think of when you hear people praying in tongues? What do you do? Some find it quite spiritual, and moving. Others seem to hear it only as noisy chaos, the product of a crowd of people pretending to be filled with the Holy Ghost. The Bible talks about speaking in tongues, and indeed one must be careful. I must admit I never cared for it. I was skeptical, and thought only a select few were ever gifted , but the chances of actually meeting such a person was rare and far in between. Hearing someone pray in tongues somehow caused me to build up walls around my heart, preventing me from coming into the presence of the Lord myself. I found myself disturbed. I judged rather than accepted. Even still I am skeptical, but I have come to a revelation that speaking in tongues is not bad. More specifically, praying in tongues is in fact an evolved characteristic trait of a Child of God. I am not saying you are not a Christian if you haven't been given your God language, but that with an open heart you will recieve one. I did recieve mine some time ago. I was not prayed over. I was not annointed or even in a crowd of people like many are. I was alone in my house in a dark room. Everyone was asleep. I was fretful, anxious, afraid and miserable. I had a heavy heart, and it seemed no matter how much I prayed in english my heaviness was not lifted. I was overwhelmed, but couldn't find the words to speak. And then i prayed that God would touch my lips with His Spirit, and give me the words to say. And He did! Since then I have found myself ever drawing closer to the Lord. I feel so alive! The words flow from my mouth. I tell you this not to brag, but becuase I am so overcome in joy in this new discovery i must tell someone. Most of you don't know my name or me personally. Perhaps such gives me a courage I could not else find should I tell those I see every day. I confide in you all in many levels, and I cannot say how grateful I am for your patience to listen. I apologize for not posting often, but how happy I am when I do. May God richly bless you all, as you come into a deeper relationship with Him. May you all find that window into the soul where you can connect with His Spirit. Do not be afraid. Do not hesitate. Wait on the Lord with faith. Do not seek an emotional feeling, and do not force the Spirit to give you a tongue. Let Him lead, and watch as He moves powerfully in you. And please, feel free to share your stories. I would love to hear them =)