Tuesday, October 29, 2013


God has been working amazingly in my life. Everything from blessing me with true friends and a loving family, to giving me the opportunity and way to pursue this calling of nursing, to just encouraging me and motivating me to continue in His will.

I went to a luncheon today at the community college I attend. It was to honor the many donors of scholarships as well as congratulate the recipient students. I was blessed enough to be one. I was nervous at first, but soon that subsided as it was replaced with a kindling fire and assurance that I was doing what God wanted me to do. I witnessed countless donors and students who publicly professed their Faith. I had the opportunity to meet my supporters. I enjoyed a wonderful lunch (with pumpkin cheesecake as a dessert).

This day. This week. This year has truly been blessed. Yet now is the week upon us where many children don their costumes and trick or treat. So much darkness is in this time of year. Most people do not see it because it is subtle. Yet through and through not all take October 31 as just a fun filled day. Many take it to a serious occult level.

God has weighed it heavily on my heart to pray for this nation... To pray globally over this day and the children and families. May God's presence be evident and His power be at work today as this spiritual battle is being fought invisibly around us. Unknown to the eye yet ever amongst us.

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Hurting World At Our Fingertips

So this isn't normally part of my weekly prayer but I do have a few things that God has laid on my heart today, and I really feel like I ought to share them with you. You are welcome to join me in petitioning to God, but you will not be struck by lightening if not. Lol
One is that I have a good friend who has been depressed for a while now and has been thinking on ending her life. She is only 14 and the Devil has a strong grip on her heart. She believes in God and claims that she is a Christian but I often question if she really has a personal relationship with Him.
Another is that my coworker slipped and fell today and I am nigh convinced she broke a rib. After a few hours she was struggling to even breathe and had to keep her back straight like a board to ease the pain from a ten to a nine. She isn't one to complain at all and I worry it is serious.
I know God can do miracles and I believe there is a field ready to be harvested where people are hurting. These girls I mentioned as well as the rest of the world. As well as those diagnosed with XDR-TB. But God can move mountains. He is the essence of our being and breathes the strength of the world with every breath. May He touch these two women today and bless them. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where is the cure?...

XDR-TB. Its a type of Tuberculosis that is sweeping the nations across the globe. Within weeks a strong, healthy warrior or maiden will fall critically ill and die. There are few cures. Scientists and medical organizations fight to save these afflicted lives and find a treatment, but the disease continues to mutate and transform. It is highly contagious. The victims suffer incredibly as it eats away their bodies and strength.

This is not even the worst. There are rumors of another TB, known as TDR-TB (totally drug resistant), that has absolutely no cure. There have been cases of this type in Iran, Iraq and India. Scientists have tried to find drugs that will fight this mutation of the disease, but they have yet to be successful. Those who catch this have no hope of survival, unless God intervenes. Beyond this, W.H.O. and several other health organizations refuse to acknowledge its existence.

Is their any hope? Or is this the next global pandemic? Please join me in praying for these people and their families. Perhaps there is no cure that man can provide, but God can always intervene. Let us pray in faith and watch miracles happen!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A total of 700

Amazing Youth Conference in Great Falls this weekend. God moved mountains. A total of 700 people. Looking forward to next year already! =)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Controversy Over Wolves

So this is an editorial I wrote for school. It's the first draft so a tad rough around the edges.

The controversy over whether or not wolves are a threat or an endangered species seem to rattle in the balance these days. We have both extremists and everything in between. Yet what are the facts that field researchers and biologists are coming up with? After much research I have come to realize that, like any other animal, wolves do best when left alone. We should not worry over the elks existence and daily habits because they do not kill many elk, they build up these herds rather, and they help sustain plant life.

The accusations against wolves often are linked with the diminishing population of elk. People claim they are the reason for the elk changing their migration patterns, for obtaining more diseases, and even for dying of starvation. According to researcher Arthur Middleton, that is not the case. "[Elk] on average, encounter wolves once every 9 days,” He states, “Elk did move slightly more when wolves were within 1 kilometer, but not by much. They only traveled an extra 30 meters per hour.” That is not frequent enough to affect even their body fat, which is yet another misconception about wolves. These canines travel up to 500 miles. They do not stalk a herd of elk beyond a single meal.

What about when they do? What about when they prey on elk and chase them down to feed on them? One point, which is almost never mentioned, is the fact that when these canines do prey on elk they do not go for the strongest. They kill the weakest, the young ones, or the old and injured. "Wolves help insure that the healthiest elk thrive and reproduce,” says one professor at Carroll College. Jonathan Matthews spends his time studying and researching on this topic, and has brought to the table much knowledge that otherwise would be left unsaid. “Generations of elk have suffered functional decline during the decades that wolves have been missing from Montana."  This clearly states the need for a population of wolves in an area. What a landscaper might do to a garden, pruning the trees and weeding, the wolves do to the herds. They encourage the top elk to rear up strong generations, while cutting out the weaker animals.

Another point Jonathan states is the fact that wolves help maintain healthy vegetation. Indeed, this might sound a little odd. To the average, unlearned American, it would seem wolves only kill and destroy. This is not the case.  "With elk no longer able to graze lazily in the river bottoms, they are no longer eating willow and cottonwood sprouts, so the unnaturally bare banks are greening,... [the wolves] are creating habitats that support insects, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals." And this is not all. There have been countless situations where elk, bored and endlessly wandering, have found themselves to ranchers’ fields and their crops. Wolves help by keeping them on the move, thus giving vegetation a chance to survive and thrive. Without wolves, this couldn't happen.

Will all this evidence, it becomes clear that wolves truly are not a threat. Indeed, they do hunt elk. Indeed, they can be aggressive. But what shall we then say? Shall we accuse these animals of trying to survive? Shall we accuse them for hunting to feed their young ones? Shall we accuse them of first degree murder? As we have seen, they benefit the herds and surrounding wildlife in numerous ways. Without these wild canines, the animal kingdom would fall apart. So why not stand back and watch nature take care of itself? It has for thousands of years.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Because of Tradition

Prostitution Enforced by Tradition

I found this link while searching the internet today. It is on a small village in India, known as Naptura, where prostitution is forced upon young girls. This is such a huge battle all over the world, and this is but a glimpse of it. We need to stand up and be their allies. We need to be a voice when they have lost theirs. For they suffer in the silence of their homes, with none to care or feel their pain. "...The most shocking [and saddest] fact is that almost every woman here believes that she is just carrying on a ‘village tradition’. This thought [is] instilled in them by their family members and other male relatives in their childhood.."
 Let us not ignore this grotesque crime. Let us not be content to happily live our lives in free America while they struggle in pain and suffering. Let us rather carry their burdens and commit to do something so simple, yet so powerful. Let us commit to pray. Let us commit to make a change.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Persuasive Speech - World Hunger

So this is something I wrote for my public speaking class I am currently taking at the local college. It's sorta rough around the edges but I thought I'd post it here.

"If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger." These profound words were spoken first by Buzz Aldrin. Indeed, how true they are! So why hasn’t the world figured out a solution to this pressing issue?

According to a field report done by Medecins Sans Frontieres (also known as MSF) over 195 million children currently suffer from malnutrition worldwide with 20 million being acute cases. From these, only 3% actually receive the treatment they need.

Because of this deficiency in food, their bodies lack nutrients and thus become weaker and more vulnerable to diseases. From sudden blindness, to anemia (which is frequently exacerbated by malaria and worm infections) to iodine deficiency orders which jeopardize the child’s mental health, their frail bodies begin to disintegrate rapidly without the proper nourishment.

South Asia, the Horn and the Sahel of Africa are the most alarming hot-spots for child malnutrition and mortality. Half of the deaths in children under five in developing countries, occur in these three regions.

So how can we fight malnutrition? How can we prevent these deaths and outbreaks of illnesses? The answer is simple. We need more food.

With enough food there would be no more hunger. The mortality rate would greatly decrease. Fewer people would suffer from these diseases. Everyone could have their fill of nutritious foods and everyone could know what its like to feel stuffed after a Thanksgiving dinner.

So many great things would happen if world hunger no longer existed and the solution is simple. A single meal of nutritious food a day could keep a body alive and well. But we traditionally have three! What if we were to give up just one of our meals - that’s seven a week - and give the resources instead to those who suffer from starvation? Right now, over 300,000,000 people live in the USA. That’s 300,000,000 lives we could save, including in our own country! So what are we waiting for?! Why can’t you and I take the first steps to a better tomorrow? Imagine the possibilities!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don't Give Up!

So don't give up. God didn't give up on you. He laid His life down for you. Will you dare to live for Him? Will you dare to stay steadfast in Him, despite what come your way?

Gloria a Dios!

Praise God! From the highest mountains to the deepest seas, let us lift our voices in adoration to our King! He has blessed me so much. From gifting me with a scholarship to cover yet more of my college tuition, to giving me so many great friends, to indeed being my comforter in every hardship. The Lord Jehovah is in truth, the Father of love, mercy, compassion, and power. And so much more!

My car died several times today. It couldn't hold an idle for more than a second; which is not near enough to pull the gear from park into drive. The devil truly is using every trick up his sleeve to discourage me, and to keep me from pursuing the calling God has set for me. But the enemy will not win. I will not back down. God has given me an assignment to serve across seas and I will not 'throw in the towel'. I will not let God or those overseas be disappointed.

There will come a day when I will pass all these obstacles and look back on the path which I struggled. I will know that the trials were worth it. I will be amazed at God's grace in guiding me. I will worship Him for all He has done. And thus, I shall worship Him even now. Gloria a Dios!

Monday, October 7, 2013

A New Person

God is so good! But of course you all already know that. =)

It hasn't been all rainbows and daisies recently, but the Lord is faithful. Despite all that I struggle with I see Him working in amazing ways, behind the scenes. He has become so much apart of my daily activities. He has His foot in everything I do and I love it! I want to include Him. No longer do I feel His presence only at church, but in every single aspect of my life.

He is healing me from the inside out. He is blessing me. He is giving me the strength to endure the trials I face everyday. In fact, despite all the heartache of I am dealing with I have to say that this season has been great! It has been blessed! I will remember these days as a paradise. Why? Not because of what the world has thrown at me, but because of how God has been working in my life... in my heart. I feel like a completely new person! And I am so excited to share it with you all!