Friday, June 7, 2013

Random Thoughts

Summer is indeed coming quicker than a fat mouse can run to the cheddar (cheesy analogy I know; no pun intended). But I am so ready for these warm months. My favorite season of the year is almost here! And what's to spin it off? Indian Youth Camp!
Based from the camp in Hungry Horse we bus in Native Americans from all the reservations in Montana. From Rocky Boy, to Browning, to Fort Peck and Crow, we house hundreds of people. For the third year, my sister and I will be volunteering as Room Staff. I am so excited. And we head out this Sunday! May God keep everyone safe as we prepare for five days of adventurous, crazy, fun; bringing the love of God to all present.
Aside from that, work is picking up like there's no tomorrow. You know those folks who slip in the door seconds before you can turn the lock? Yep. The first of many. But I'm ready. I only pity my boss for my absence for a whole week. May our merciful Lord be with her.
To top this random post I suppose I should mention my sister in the kitchen admiring the art of onions going bad. But don't be worried. There's no mold (thank goodness) and this is just one of my sister's attributes that makes her original. Lol. I should probably go help her make dinner.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A voice to the voiceless

So the previous post, you might have been curious as to what I was specifically talking about. Curious? Well, I dare say... I'll remain silent on the matter. Lol But I will dare to share some other bit of great news.
Over the past few months - or rather since last fall - I have been quietly contemplating the idea of going to school again. I had always loved studying but was afraid I would be wasting time in a four walled room when I could be spending it out and doing something. It took me a long time to finally realize that in order to do what God had called me to, I needed to attend college and be trained. In what you might say?
Have you ever heard of Doctors Without Borders? In short, it's an independent organization of well trained medical staff who travel oversea to aid those who are less fortunate. Anyone from victims of natural or man-made disasters, to the ill fallen of plagues and diseases, to the casualties of war to pretty much anyone else who are neglected. They address the governments and other social organizations to help the needy of their country and ultimately be the voice for the voiceless. With the help of God they can give the inflicted hope... hope for another day and hope for many more days after that. If you are interested in reading more, you can visit their site at:
I too have always wanted to help the most needed. Those who no one else would help. I didn't care about the danger (though I would be careful, such a trivial thing never mattered to me). Honestly, how could I live so comfortably in America when people struggle to survive everyday in other countries?
After much praying the Lord at last revealed the plans He had for my future. Plans that involved Doctors Without Borders. He showed me small glimpses of what He wanted me to do and where He wanted me to be; a short picture of what He had in store for me, and such was enough. Before I knew it, I was sending in my application for admission and writing essays for scholarships. So now as I await my eligibility for school grants, I prepare for the coming adventure ahead.
I know I cannot afford this next step. I could not even afford a month of the schooling I need, but God will provide a way. He always does even if it be at the eleventh hour. I'm happy because I get to trust in Him, knowing I am finally beginning the journey of my life long dream. If only it could happen sooner. Lol

All I can think of is when I finally get to board that plane and travel across seas. When I finally get to carry the hurting children. When I finally get to hold the hand of the elderly. When I will finally look into their faces and smile and tell them there is hope. When I get to tell them that their cry was heard. When I get to tell them about Jesus. That day I eagerly await for.

Monday, June 3, 2013

In the dawn of a new day

What do you do when your greatest fear becomes reality? What do you do when your life, the way you always knew it, is threatening to change? The things you always thought you could lean back on, knowing there you will always be safe, suddenly seem to crumble beneath your feet. You try everything to gather the pieces and put them back together but for some reason they aren't fitting. Life as you know it is changing and way faster than you ever imagined or wanted. Can you go through with your promises? Have you the strength to accept this new morning? I never realized how stubborn and resistant I was until now. I new I never was good with change but this...?
Lord, give me the strength to face today. Give me the courage to push on. I may be blind to what lies ahead but You are not. I know in You I can peacefully rest. For but one thing I know will never change. On it will I make my foundation. You are my foundation Jesus, and on Your Word will I build my fortress and set my life.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

God's Canvas

This afternoon my family drove up this long dusty road. Potholes scattered left and right as it slowly wound around the mountainside and up to the snowline of the Bob Marshall. Everything was so beautiful and green. I could hardly believe it. It made me wonder how often we witness the beauty of God's creation and yet hardly take notice. Perhaps our eyes are so spoiled we begin to take advantage of what we see and soon forget to see it altogether.
Today, for the first time in weeks, I bothered to lift my gaze from the ground at my feet. Yes, the sky was mostly overcast and yes, a slight wind blew. Yet even so were the trees majestically tall and thick. So were the rivers running rapidly, springing from the icy cold depths of the snowfields. Lower down, the green grass of meadows poked above the blankets of whiteness as the first of the spring blooms dared to lift their heads. Up higher, the cliffs hung with some so precariously. Just the slightest nudge it seemed and half the mountain would tumble down.
God created all of this. He etched the valleys, molded the mountains, drew the paths of the mighty rivers and built the rocky towers that rested so carefully in its place. He breathed out the blanketing clouds, and He lit the suns flame to keep us warm. Our God is so powerful and creative and He took the time to decorate this earth that He placed us on. He gave us beautiful places to call our home and every new day He paints a new canvas for us to enjoy. So smile today and lift up your eyes to this masterpiece, because never will there be another like it.