The other day, while researching on the internet, I came across a photo of a Mandarin Duck. The caption spoke of some interesting facts about the mammal but what caught my eye was the color.
Do you see the ruby red, and golden yellows? Notice the vivid green or even the stark white. All of them and more decorate the feathers in so many patterns. Honestly, how can man say it was all by chance?
Doesn’t the sheer beauty and creativity portray the work of a skilled artist? For in truth, had Picasso or Da Vinci or Michelangelo crafted such a piece, the work would have been legendary. Yet they did not. And of all their paintings, great and small, none could compare to even one of God’s masterpieces.
But let us not defame or put down these gifted artists but see that in truth, artistry could not have come to us by chance. No you see, it started with the work of one Artist, who by painting, shaping, crafting, and etching made a world abounding in beauty and skill. And on the sixth day… created He His most cherished work. Created He man.